Yoke Sze's Birth Story - A drug-free, gentle and calm hospital birth

"HypnoBirthing" - I got to know this word from my good friends whom actually went through the gentle birthing themselves. I was telling them that I was fear of labor - the pain, the stress, the screams and etc. They recommended and briefed me about this HypnoBirthing course and I was impressed that there's something called "The Birth Plan".
I went online googled about "HypnoBirthing". And by good chance, I finally enrolled to Bee Ting's class. I'm glad that I actually joined and I've learnt much about gentle birthing. Also, is an eye opener for me to watch birthing videos, learning many new terms like delay cord clamping, episiotomy, surges, and etc...
After 5 sessions, I would say that I'm quite prepared to have a gentle birthing. At the meantime while waiting for my baby's arrival, I practiced the relaxation breathing, the visualization and listening to Rainbow CD.
I had birth show on 6th Aug 2013 early in the morning. I was slightly nervous and texted BeeTing. She asked me to remain calm, breathe, talk to the baby and wait for the surges. The next day, 7th Aug 2013, I felt irregular surges around 6am. "Today is the day", instinctively I knew it. I remained calm and started to time the surges.I double checked my hospital bag and of course,not forgetting my birth plan.
At 9am, I woke up my hubby gently, telling him the long awaiting day has arrived. He was very much excited that he was wide awake after that. I told him to wait for my signal to hospital. Meanwhile, I finished a big plate of fried rice and did a final reading on gentle birthing to remind myself.
At around 12.30pm, we decided to leave to hospital. I showed the nurses about the birth plan and surprisingly, all of the nurses knew about HypnoBirthing and even one of the nurses told me that she always liked HynoBirthing moms as they were quieter during labor.
The nurse brought me to my labor room, and I was strapped on fetal monitor for 30mins. I kept reminding myself to use the relaxation breathing for every surge. The nurse asked politely if she can have a VE (Vaginal examination), and I allowed her as I need to know how long more to the actual labor.I was already 5-6cm dilated. I was informed gently that I can walk around, but maybe I was too lazy and wanted to remain calm and relax, I decided to stick on bed.
My hubby and I were waiting patiently in the dimmed room, with some soothing music. I used the relaxation breathing method whenever I felt the surges and pressure. After some time, in between surges, I still managed to finish up my Milo as I know I need more energy later.
Around 4.30pm, my doctor came in and she asked gently if she can have another VE. I was already 9-10cm dilated, and I was told the baby is ready to be out anytime. My doctor told me to relax, focus and breathe down if I feel the urge of baby's coming out. After few attempts breathing down the baby, my energy started to drain off. I wanted to give up but I was fortunate that the doctor and nurses encouraged me with smiley faces.
The baby came out after the 4th push. The baby was immediately placed on my chest and the placenta was out too after few minutes. Phew, all the discomfort was gone immediately. Doctor started to stitch as there are some minor tearing during the last push.
I must admit that the last push was not gentle enough as I just wanted to get the baby out ASAP due to my energy was draining. But I was happy that it was a wonderful drug-free birthing experience. I would definitely recommend to every mom (especially 1st time mom) to join HypnoBirthing classes so that we are mentally more prepared about birthing and most importantly we can choose and plan the birthing way that we (parents and baby) wanted.
I went online googled about "HypnoBirthing". And by good chance, I finally enrolled to Bee Ting's class. I'm glad that I actually joined and I've learnt much about gentle birthing. Also, is an eye opener for me to watch birthing videos, learning many new terms like delay cord clamping, episiotomy, surges, and etc...
After 5 sessions, I would say that I'm quite prepared to have a gentle birthing. At the meantime while waiting for my baby's arrival, I practiced the relaxation breathing, the visualization and listening to Rainbow CD.
I had birth show on 6th Aug 2013 early in the morning. I was slightly nervous and texted BeeTing. She asked me to remain calm, breathe, talk to the baby and wait for the surges. The next day, 7th Aug 2013, I felt irregular surges around 6am. "Today is the day", instinctively I knew it. I remained calm and started to time the surges.I double checked my hospital bag and of course,not forgetting my birth plan.
At 9am, I woke up my hubby gently, telling him the long awaiting day has arrived. He was very much excited that he was wide awake after that. I told him to wait for my signal to hospital. Meanwhile, I finished a big plate of fried rice and did a final reading on gentle birthing to remind myself.
At around 12.30pm, we decided to leave to hospital. I showed the nurses about the birth plan and surprisingly, all of the nurses knew about HypnoBirthing and even one of the nurses told me that she always liked HynoBirthing moms as they were quieter during labor.
The nurse brought me to my labor room, and I was strapped on fetal monitor for 30mins. I kept reminding myself to use the relaxation breathing for every surge. The nurse asked politely if she can have a VE (Vaginal examination), and I allowed her as I need to know how long more to the actual labor.I was already 5-6cm dilated. I was informed gently that I can walk around, but maybe I was too lazy and wanted to remain calm and relax, I decided to stick on bed.
My hubby and I were waiting patiently in the dimmed room, with some soothing music. I used the relaxation breathing method whenever I felt the surges and pressure. After some time, in between surges, I still managed to finish up my Milo as I know I need more energy later.
Around 4.30pm, my doctor came in and she asked gently if she can have another VE. I was already 9-10cm dilated, and I was told the baby is ready to be out anytime. My doctor told me to relax, focus and breathe down if I feel the urge of baby's coming out. After few attempts breathing down the baby, my energy started to drain off. I wanted to give up but I was fortunate that the doctor and nurses encouraged me with smiley faces.
The baby came out after the 4th push. The baby was immediately placed on my chest and the placenta was out too after few minutes. Phew, all the discomfort was gone immediately. Doctor started to stitch as there are some minor tearing during the last push.
I must admit that the last push was not gentle enough as I just wanted to get the baby out ASAP due to my energy was draining. But I was happy that it was a wonderful drug-free birthing experience. I would definitely recommend to every mom (especially 1st time mom) to join HypnoBirthing classes so that we are mentally more prepared about birthing and most importantly we can choose and plan the birthing way that we (parents and baby) wanted.