Jean Khoo Birth
6:00-6:30am: 感覺有羊胎水漏了出來,然後趕快去上廁所,查看羊胎水沒有異味,類是白開水,然後抹乾的時候發現有血絲。因為還沒有宮縮的感覺,就躺回床休息。
8:30am-起床,發現來紅。老公說沒有宮縮,叫我先relax,再觀察。我也好好洗澡、洗頭,packing 一些梳洗用品。
9:30am- 吃早餐,有點輕微經痛的感覺。剛好今天也是要複診的日子,等下問看看醫生。
12:15pm- 到了醫院,等待醫生的時候經痛感覺有稍微強烈一點點,但還是可以忍受的。醫生幫我做了內檢,說才剛要開始,叫我先回家,3pm才入院吧。
12:30-1:00pm: 吃個午餐,自己開車回家。路途上是有經痛的不舒服,開始用app來計算宮縮。發現到宮縮蠻頻密,但是每一次的宮縮時間少過50秒。所以,還不打算要入院。
2:00-4:51pm: 聽著HypnoBirthing Mongan Method 的 affirmation 和 rainbow relaxation 試著提醒自己放鬆。宮縮依然頻密,但是我還不覺得是很痛。記得上HypnoBirthing 課老師說要放鬆,可以幫助cervix dilation。然後,為了讓自己更放鬆、快樂、我就吃我喜歡的食物:冰淇淋、blueberry cheese cake、new york cheese cake。 除了可以為生產準備體力,還可以讓自己快樂,釋放快樂的荷爾蒙來幫助子宮開得快。
5:00pm- 宮縮越來越頻密,而且每一次宮縮都超過1分鐘,甚至超過2分鐘。且,越來越痛,我的手開始用毛巾來回拉扯,忍痛。老公還沒下班,我也繼續躺在沙發上。這時候已經不能好好用 Surge Breathing 了。
這其實也和HypnoBirthing 的理念是一樣的,大自然和baby是會一起配合的。
7:00pm- 啟程去醫院,一路上宮縮也很強烈。我還是繼續拉扯毛巾忍痛。宮縮過後,我的潛意識告訴我:放鬆,快乘機放鬆,要不然下面開得慢,可能就得開刀了生產了。我不要這樣。
7:40pm- 到達醫院,醫生幫我內檢,告訴我老公今天午夜之前會生產。
8:00pm-nurse叫我換衣服,說要幫我baby check心跳, 也告訴我老公,我必須自己走去,老公在外面等。原來我一進去那個房間,其實就是產房了。
8:20pm- 醫生從另一門進來,直接弄破我的羊胎水,告訴我陣痛會更厲害。我也趁著沒宮縮的時候,問醫生,請問我開了幾cm,what’s my contractions level? 他說已經開了7cm,it’s almost maximum level of contraction. 「媽呀,原來老娘可以這麼能忍,我還以為我處在50/60的level」
接下來8:20pm一直到10pm: 我都一直處在很痛的感覺,手、身體都發抖了。nurse給我換了側躺的pose,讓我舒服一點。宮縮又來的時候,護士一直叫我push,我嘗試用 Birth Breathing, 護士說不是push在臉,是要往下push。我說我沒大便的感覺怎麼push?最後,另一個nurse才說,那你不要push先,忍痛就好。我看著時鐘,一直跟寶寶說「我們說好的,要用快速、舒適的方式,把你生出了,你快往下轉啊」。我也跟nurse說,我要禱告「主 啊,求你幫助我,讓我盡快用安全健康的方式生寶寶啊」
10:00-10:15pm: 醫生到回產房,直接幫我剪陰,然後告訴我 when the pain comes again, you push. 這時候的挑戰根本不是宮縮的痛,是push的氣可以拉多長啊!老娘快斷氣了。到第三次的宮縮後,醫生對我說「Look at me, smile smile」來鼓勵我,我勉強給他一個微笑。然後,居然沒有宮縮了,我們都在等,Doctor 說「 has the pain stopped ar?」,我說「ya, how?」。再等一下下,第四個宮縮來了,我盡全了push,nurse也幫我擠壓我的肚子,推baby下去,就這樣我的寶貝🏻 終於生出來了。
10:15pm- 我的小寶貝的誕生,nurse這時才去叫我老公進來。我老公好surprise我居然生了!我說我剛剛打完一場世界大戰。
這時我才回過神來,問醫生「I thought you said you are not giving me injection and epidural, but you will give me gas? “ 醫生說「你不需要,be confident with yourself」
老娘生完告訴nurse,我連吸gas的錢都省下來了。我的寶寶真的是自然生產,當初醫生已經告訴我他不會給我打epidural 針和 止痛針。如果真的需要也只有gas,因為他不希望看到寶寶生出來後是昏昏欲睡的,他提倡的的是健康自然產的寶貝。
透過HypnoBirthing 的課程,我的意志力的堅定勝過了身體上的痛。我的堅持是為了寶寶和我自己的健康。
6:00-6:30am: 感覺有羊胎水漏了出來,然後趕快去上廁所,查看羊胎水沒有異味,類是白開水,然後抹乾的時候發現有血絲。因為還沒有宮縮的感覺,就躺回床休息。
8:30am-起床,發現來紅。老公說沒有宮縮,叫我先relax,再觀察。我也好好洗澡、洗頭,packing 一些梳洗用品。
9:30am- 吃早餐,有點輕微經痛的感覺。剛好今天也是要複診的日子,等下問看看醫生。
12:15pm- 到了醫院,等待醫生的時候經痛感覺有稍微強烈一點點,但還是可以忍受的。醫生幫我做了內檢,說才剛要開始,叫我先回家,3pm才入院吧。
12:30-1:00pm: 吃個午餐,自己開車回家。路途上是有經痛的不舒服,開始用app來計算宮縮。發現到宮縮蠻頻密,但是每一次的宮縮時間少過50秒。所以,還不打算要入院。
2:00-4:51pm: 聽著HypnoBirthing Mongan Method 的 affirmation 和 rainbow relaxation 試著提醒自己放鬆。宮縮依然頻密,但是我還不覺得是很痛。記得上HypnoBirthing 課老師說要放鬆,可以幫助cervix dilation。然後,為了讓自己更放鬆、快樂、我就吃我喜歡的食物:冰淇淋、blueberry cheese cake、new york cheese cake。 除了可以為生產準備體力,還可以讓自己快樂,釋放快樂的荷爾蒙來幫助子宮開得快。
5:00pm- 宮縮越來越頻密,而且每一次宮縮都超過1分鐘,甚至超過2分鐘。且,越來越痛,我的手開始用毛巾來回拉扯,忍痛。老公還沒下班,我也繼續躺在沙發上。這時候已經不能好好用 Surge Breathing 了。
這其實也和HypnoBirthing 的理念是一樣的,大自然和baby是會一起配合的。
7:00pm- 啟程去醫院,一路上宮縮也很強烈。我還是繼續拉扯毛巾忍痛。宮縮過後,我的潛意識告訴我:放鬆,快乘機放鬆,要不然下面開得慢,可能就得開刀了生產了。我不要這樣。
7:40pm- 到達醫院,醫生幫我內檢,告訴我老公今天午夜之前會生產。
8:00pm-nurse叫我換衣服,說要幫我baby check心跳, 也告訴我老公,我必須自己走去,老公在外面等。原來我一進去那個房間,其實就是產房了。
8:20pm- 醫生從另一門進來,直接弄破我的羊胎水,告訴我陣痛會更厲害。我也趁著沒宮縮的時候,問醫生,請問我開了幾cm,what’s my contractions level? 他說已經開了7cm,it’s almost maximum level of contraction. 「媽呀,原來老娘可以這麼能忍,我還以為我處在50/60的level」
接下來8:20pm一直到10pm: 我都一直處在很痛的感覺,手、身體都發抖了。nurse給我換了側躺的pose,讓我舒服一點。宮縮又來的時候,護士一直叫我push,我嘗試用 Birth Breathing, 護士說不是push在臉,是要往下push。我說我沒大便的感覺怎麼push?最後,另一個nurse才說,那你不要push先,忍痛就好。我看著時鐘,一直跟寶寶說「我們說好的,要用快速、舒適的方式,把你生出了,你快往下轉啊」。我也跟nurse說,我要禱告「主 啊,求你幫助我,讓我盡快用安全健康的方式生寶寶啊」
10:00-10:15pm: 醫生到回產房,直接幫我剪陰,然後告訴我 when the pain comes again, you push. 這時候的挑戰根本不是宮縮的痛,是push的氣可以拉多長啊!老娘快斷氣了。到第三次的宮縮後,醫生對我說「Look at me, smile smile」來鼓勵我,我勉強給他一個微笑。然後,居然沒有宮縮了,我們都在等,Doctor 說「 has the pain stopped ar?」,我說「ya, how?」。再等一下下,第四個宮縮來了,我盡全了push,nurse也幫我擠壓我的肚子,推baby下去,就這樣我的寶貝🏻 終於生出來了。
10:15pm- 我的小寶貝的誕生,nurse這時才去叫我老公進來。我老公好surprise我居然生了!我說我剛剛打完一場世界大戰。
這時我才回過神來,問醫生「I thought you said you are not giving me injection and epidural, but you will give me gas? “ 醫生說「你不需要,be confident with yourself」
老娘生完告訴nurse,我連吸gas的錢都省下來了。我的寶寶真的是自然生產,當初醫生已經告訴我他不會給我打epidural 針和 止痛針。如果真的需要也只有gas,因為他不希望看到寶寶生出來後是昏昏欲睡的,他提倡的的是健康自然產的寶貝。
透過HypnoBirthing 的課程,我的意志力的堅定勝過了身體上的痛。我的堅持是為了寶寶和我自己的健康。
6: 00-6: 30am: Placenta feel the water drain out, and then quickly go to the bathroom, no water view goat embryo smell like boiled water, then wipe dry when found to have bloodshot. Because there is no feeling contractions, lay back on the bed to rest.
8:30 am- wake up to find the red. My husband said no contractions, and told me to relax, and then observe. I also take a bath, wash your hair, packing some of toiletries.
9:30 am- breakfast, a little mild menstrual pain sensation. Today also happens to be the day of referral, wait for the next and asked to see a doctor.
12:15 pm- to the hospital, while waiting for the doctor after feeling a slight pain a little strong, but still tolerable. Doctor to help me do a check inside, just say to start and told me to go home, 3pm only admitted it.
12: 30-1: 00pm: eat lunch, drive yourself home. On the road is by pain uncomfortable, start with app to calculate the contractions. Found to quite frequent contractions, but every time contraction less than 50 seconds. So, do not intend to be hospitalized.
2: 00-4: 51pm: Listen hypnobirthing of affirmation and rainbow relaxation tried to remind myself to relax. Still frequent contractions, but I do not think it is very painful. Remember the hypnobirthing class teacher said to relax, that can help cervix dilation. Then, to make yourself more relaxed and happy, I eat my favorite food: ice cream, blueberry cheese cake, new york cheese cake. In addition to preparing for the production of energy, you can also make yourself happy, happy release hormones to help the uterus to open faster.
This time, there try to make their eyes closed, but also to prepare energy.
5:00 pm- more frequent contractions, and contractions are each time more than 1 minute, even more than 2 minutes. And, more pain, my hands began to pull back and forth with a towel, reluctantly. My husband did not work, I continued to lie on the sofa. This time has been unable to make good use of the Surge Breathing.
When the contractions did not, I pray to God, "God, I know you're creating our women, you have given us natural production function, baby and my body would fit together, shorten labor, health and safety born, Lord, your Holy Spirit with me, send angels watch over us. "
This fact, and the idea is the same Hypnobirthing, nature and the baby will fit together.
7:00 pm- leaving for the hospital, contractions along the way is also very strong. I kept pulling the towel reluctantly. After contractions, my subconscious told me: relaxed, took the opportunity to relax quickly, or else the following driving too slowly, it may have to cut the production. I do not like this.
Then also hypnotize yourself, it's not pain, it is sour, sour! Do not fall into the "Fear-Tension-Pain" trap.
7:40 pm- arrived at the hospital, the doctor to help me in the check and told me her husband would produce before midnight today.
8:00 pm-nurse told me to change clothes, said to me baby check heartbeat, Also told my husband, I have walked myself, husband waiting outside. Originally, I went in the room, in fact, a delivery room.
8:20 pm- doctors from another door, direct break my goat embryo water, told me the pain will be more severe. I did not take advantage of contractions, they asked the doctor, can I open a few cm, what 's my contractions level ? He said he had opened 7cm, it' s almost maximum level of contraction. "OMG, the original aging mother can so able to, I thought I was at the 50/60 level. "
Next 8:20 pm until 10pm: I have been in a painful feeling, hands, body trembling down. nurse gave me lie down for a pose, let me comfortable. Contractions again, the nurse has asked me to push, I tried Birth Breathing, the nurse said not push in the face, down topush. I said I did not feel how the stool push? Finally, another nurse just said, that you do not push the first, reluctantly enough. I looked at the clock, has been with the baby said, "We said yes, use a fast, comfortable way, you give birth, you quickly turn down ah." I told nurse said, I want to pray, "Lord Ah, I beg you to help me, let me use a safe and healthy way to have a baby as soon as possible ah. "
10: 00-10: 15pm: Doctor back to the delivery room, direct help me cut overcast, then tell me when pain comes again, u push the challenge this time is not the pain of contractions, the gas can be push Colorado long ah. ! His aging mother's gagging. After the third to the contractions, the doctor said to me, "Look at me, smile smile" to encourage me, I reluctantly gave him a smile . Then, there's no contractions, and we are waiting for, Doctor said, "pain stop ar?", I said "ya, how?." Under Wait a minute, the fourth contractions came, I do a full push, nurse helped me squeeze my stomach, push the baby down, so my baby 🏻 finally came out.
10:15 pm- my little baby's birth, nurse then just go get my husband to come. My husband and I actually had a good surprise! I said I had just finished a world war.
Then I collect myself, ask the doctor, "I thought u said ur not giving me injection and epidural, but you will give me gas?" The doctor said, "You do not need to, be confidence with yourself."
The birth of his aging mother told nurse, I could not even suck gas money saved up. My baby is really natural production, the doctor had already told me he would not give me a needle and epidural To ease the pain. If you really need only gas, because he did not want to see after the baby is born sleepy, he advocated a healthy natural birth of baby.
Through HypnoBirthing classes, my firm willpower than the physical pain. I insist that it is for the baby and my own health.
6: 00-6: 30am: Placenta feel the water drain out, and then quickly go to the bathroom, no water view goat embryo smell like boiled water, then wipe dry when found to have bloodshot. Because there is no feeling contractions, lay back on the bed to rest.
8:30 am- wake up to find the red. My husband said no contractions, and told me to relax, and then observe. I also take a bath, wash your hair, packing some of toiletries.
9:30 am- breakfast, a little mild menstrual pain sensation. Today also happens to be the day of referral, wait for the next and asked to see a doctor.
12:15 pm- to the hospital, while waiting for the doctor after feeling a slight pain a little strong, but still tolerable. Doctor to help me do a check inside, just say to start and told me to go home, 3pm only admitted it.
12: 30-1: 00pm: eat lunch, drive yourself home. On the road is by pain uncomfortable, start with app to calculate the contractions. Found to quite frequent contractions, but every time contraction less than 50 seconds. So, do not intend to be hospitalized.
2: 00-4: 51pm: Listen hypnobirthing of affirmation and rainbow relaxation tried to remind myself to relax. Still frequent contractions, but I do not think it is very painful. Remember the hypnobirthing class teacher said to relax, that can help cervix dilation. Then, to make yourself more relaxed and happy, I eat my favorite food: ice cream, blueberry cheese cake, new york cheese cake. In addition to preparing for the production of energy, you can also make yourself happy, happy release hormones to help the uterus to open faster.
This time, there try to make their eyes closed, but also to prepare energy.
5:00 pm- more frequent contractions, and contractions are each time more than 1 minute, even more than 2 minutes. And, more pain, my hands began to pull back and forth with a towel, reluctantly. My husband did not work, I continued to lie on the sofa. This time has been unable to make good use of the Surge Breathing.
When the contractions did not, I pray to God, "God, I know you're creating our women, you have given us natural production function, baby and my body would fit together, shorten labor, health and safety born, Lord, your Holy Spirit with me, send angels watch over us. "
This fact, and the idea is the same Hypnobirthing, nature and the baby will fit together.
7:00 pm- leaving for the hospital, contractions along the way is also very strong. I kept pulling the towel reluctantly. After contractions, my subconscious told me: relaxed, took the opportunity to relax quickly, or else the following driving too slowly, it may have to cut the production. I do not like this.
Then also hypnotize yourself, it's not pain, it is sour, sour! Do not fall into the "Fear-Tension-Pain" trap.
7:40 pm- arrived at the hospital, the doctor to help me in the check and told me her husband would produce before midnight today.
8:00 pm-nurse told me to change clothes, said to me baby check heartbeat, Also told my husband, I have walked myself, husband waiting outside. Originally, I went in the room, in fact, a delivery room.
8:20 pm- doctors from another door, direct break my goat embryo water, told me the pain will be more severe. I did not take advantage of contractions, they asked the doctor, can I open a few cm, what 's my contractions level ? He said he had opened 7cm, it' s almost maximum level of contraction. "OMG, the original aging mother can so able to, I thought I was at the 50/60 level. "
Next 8:20 pm until 10pm: I have been in a painful feeling, hands, body trembling down. nurse gave me lie down for a pose, let me comfortable. Contractions again, the nurse has asked me to push, I tried Birth Breathing, the nurse said not push in the face, down topush. I said I did not feel how the stool push? Finally, another nurse just said, that you do not push the first, reluctantly enough. I looked at the clock, has been with the baby said, "We said yes, use a fast, comfortable way, you give birth, you quickly turn down ah." I told nurse said, I want to pray, "Lord Ah, I beg you to help me, let me use a safe and healthy way to have a baby as soon as possible ah. "
10: 00-10: 15pm: Doctor back to the delivery room, direct help me cut overcast, then tell me when pain comes again, u push the challenge this time is not the pain of contractions, the gas can be push Colorado long ah. ! His aging mother's gagging. After the third to the contractions, the doctor said to me, "Look at me, smile smile" to encourage me, I reluctantly gave him a smile . Then, there's no contractions, and we are waiting for, Doctor said, "pain stop ar?", I said "ya, how?." Under Wait a minute, the fourth contractions came, I do a full push, nurse helped me squeeze my stomach, push the baby down, so my baby 🏻 finally came out.
10:15 pm- my little baby's birth, nurse then just go get my husband to come. My husband and I actually had a good surprise! I said I had just finished a world war.
Then I collect myself, ask the doctor, "I thought u said ur not giving me injection and epidural, but you will give me gas?" The doctor said, "You do not need to, be confidence with yourself."
The birth of his aging mother told nurse, I could not even suck gas money saved up. My baby is really natural production, the doctor had already told me he would not give me a needle and epidural To ease the pain. If you really need only gas, because he did not want to see after the baby is born sleepy, he advocated a healthy natural birth of baby.
Through HypnoBirthing classes, my firm willpower than the physical pain. I insist that it is for the baby and my own health.