Hello my dear Bee Ting! I'm good, Thank you.
Recovering from such an exhilarating experience, I must say! My active labor (surges 3- 5 mins in between) began at 2 am and progressed so rapidly from there, and I gave birth at 7.51 am. Imagine that!
I had no time to process what was happening with steady surges coming 4 in every 10 minutes. Kirk had to breathe with me to remind me of what to do because I honestly was just taken aback by all that was taking place and how fast it was. I was epidural free so I was fully present all throughout (except for some laughing gas and a jab to relax my thigh muscle when it was shaking and I couldn't open up for a vaginal exam (VE)).
I was "vocalising" the whole time so I don't think it was a very quiet birth. Now I understand why all that moaning and humming helps. Kirk and the midwife told me I had to conserve my energy for the latter part (I was about 9 cm then) so to breathe the baby down. I kept silent for awhile and then next thing I know Dr Nic came in and said I'm ready to bear down whenever I want. I changed position to kneeling because I felt gravity may help but my baby's heartbeat wasn't too good with that. So I laid back down and breathed. NATURAL EXPULSIVE REFLEX is amazing.
In the final stage, I just said I will breathe down with the surge. I was so aware of what was happening. Kirk said I was falling asleep in between. But when the surge would come, I would wake up and breathe the baby down. I felt him there! So close! I felt our little one's head pop out and felt the rest of the body slide out easily. It was a partial en caul birth. 😱 The baby's head was still in its membrane and when the legs came out, Dr. Nic saw that it had only ruptured a certain portion. Amazing! We couldn't take a video though because Kirk and I were just reeling from all that's happened. ❤
Baby was alert, with eyes opened and hardly any crying. 🎉
More than anything, HypnoBirthing was helpful in preventing too much anxiety prior to the birthing day. I came in as confident as I could be and i think that can be attributed to the practice/ conditioning of my mind that took place because of all the reading, classes and affirmations. Every mother, birth companion and baby will have their own story to share. I was extremely blessed with mine. 😍 thanks Bee Ting!
Recovering from such an exhilarating experience, I must say! My active labor (surges 3- 5 mins in between) began at 2 am and progressed so rapidly from there, and I gave birth at 7.51 am. Imagine that!
I had no time to process what was happening with steady surges coming 4 in every 10 minutes. Kirk had to breathe with me to remind me of what to do because I honestly was just taken aback by all that was taking place and how fast it was. I was epidural free so I was fully present all throughout (except for some laughing gas and a jab to relax my thigh muscle when it was shaking and I couldn't open up for a vaginal exam (VE)).
I was "vocalising" the whole time so I don't think it was a very quiet birth. Now I understand why all that moaning and humming helps. Kirk and the midwife told me I had to conserve my energy for the latter part (I was about 9 cm then) so to breathe the baby down. I kept silent for awhile and then next thing I know Dr Nic came in and said I'm ready to bear down whenever I want. I changed position to kneeling because I felt gravity may help but my baby's heartbeat wasn't too good with that. So I laid back down and breathed. NATURAL EXPULSIVE REFLEX is amazing.
In the final stage, I just said I will breathe down with the surge. I was so aware of what was happening. Kirk said I was falling asleep in between. But when the surge would come, I would wake up and breathe the baby down. I felt him there! So close! I felt our little one's head pop out and felt the rest of the body slide out easily. It was a partial en caul birth. 😱 The baby's head was still in its membrane and when the legs came out, Dr. Nic saw that it had only ruptured a certain portion. Amazing! We couldn't take a video though because Kirk and I were just reeling from all that's happened. ❤
Baby was alert, with eyes opened and hardly any crying. 🎉
More than anything, HypnoBirthing was helpful in preventing too much anxiety prior to the birthing day. I came in as confident as I could be and i think that can be attributed to the practice/ conditioning of my mind that took place because of all the reading, classes and affirmations. Every mother, birth companion and baby will have their own story to share. I was extremely blessed with mine. 😍 thanks Bee Ting!