Grace Ng Xiao Ting's Easy, Relaxed, Drugfree Birth
感谢上帝让我有个轻松的生产过程, 也希望接下来也同样能有这样的生产过程。我的预产期是10.06.2015, 在接近预产期的时候, 我就每天和我的BB说 : "BB 乖乖要听mummy的话哦, 在6月10日才出来哦, 到时到医院要快快出来哦, 让mummy可以把手上的东西都做完哦。" 就在6月头的时候, 我收到maybank treat point的catalog。这个fair是在6月11日到6月14日, 我要BB在6月10日出生的想法就改变了, 我心想如果有机会去到这个Fair就好了。 在我6月头去见医生的时候, 医生对我说她6月11日到14日会不在, 如果遇到我要生的话, 就必须由另外一个医生接生。回到家里, 我就对BB说:"BB乖乖听mummy的话, 如果你10号不想出来的话, 就等过了14号才出来,让mummy能去到maybank treat point fair和等到医生回来。不过最好是在17号之前出来啦, 这样mummy就能在马来新年的时候回去找外婆了。" 就在14号下午逛完maybank treat point fair后, 晚上我就去医院放球催生(不过这种催生法是没有任何药物成份的), 所以放了过后是和平时一样的, 只是会开始来红。在15号的时候就好像平时的状态去做工, 到了旁晚差不多每7分钟宫缩一次。不过还是和平时一样能做得到东西, 到了16号的12am宫缩越来越密了, 每轮的宫缩一来就想去厕所。直到2am才把我老公叫起来, 和他讨论是否要去医院了。最后决定还是去医院, 我还叫我老公慢慢驾不用赶, 到了医院还能自己走进产房。到产房的时间是3am正。在产房内检时已经7-8cm了, 换了衣服, 躺不到5分钟氧水破了。氧水一破, 就准备生BB了。再生产的过程还在那里一面生一面喝水。感觉很快的, BB就出世了。BB是在4am出世的。
Bee Ting感谢你, 我个人认为上了HypnoBirthing过后, 我在从怀孕到生的这段过程完全没感觉到生孩子的那种恐惧感。就连我老公都能很镇定。
Bee Ting感谢你, 我个人认为上了HypnoBirthing过后, 我在从怀孕到生的这段过程完全没感觉到生孩子的那种恐惧感。就连我老公都能很镇定。
Thank you God for an easy and relaxed birthing process. I pray that my future births would also be so easy.
My EDD is on 10 June 2015. As the EDD gets closer, I will tell my baby everyday to only come out on the 10th of June so that I have time to finish my work. I ask Baby to come out quickly once we get to the hospital.
In early June, I received the Maybank Treat Point catalog. This fair runs from 11-14 June. As I really want to go to this fair, my initial wish for the birthing day to be on June 10th has changed. Coincidentally, when I went for my Doctor's appointment in early June, my Dr said that she will also be away from June 11-14. If I happen to birth when she is not around, a replacement Dr will take over. The moment I went home, I told Baby to either come out on June 10. Otherwise, she should wait for after June 14 so that I would have a chance to go to Maybank's treat point fair and wait for our Dr to come back from her holiday. Moreover, I also told Baby that I would prefer for her to be born before June 17 so that I can go back to my hometown to see my mum.
On 14 June, after going to the Maybank fair, I went to the hospital to induce labor with the Foley's balloon. This is a mechanical way to induce and is completely drug-free, that's why I agreed to it. After putting in the Foley's balloon, I have some birth show and nothing else.
On 15 June, I went to work as normal. My surges have started by then but it did not bothered me. By evening time, my surges were 7 minutes apart and again, I was able to work as normal - no problem. My surges continued till the wee hours of 16 June. Around midnight, my surges got closer and closer and with each surge, I feel like going to the toilet. Till about 2am, I wake my husband up and and discussed with him if we should go to the hospital. In the end, we did decide to check at the hospital. I even asked him not to drive too fast, no need to rush. I can even walk to the labor room myself.
By the time I reached the labor room, it was already 3am. The nurse examined me and found me to be 7-8 cm dilated! I changed into the hospital gown, laid down for less than 5 min and suddenly my membrane released. Once my membrane released, I started to feel the urge to breathe my baby down. During the birthing process, I can even drink water as I breathe my baby out. It felt very fast and my Baby was born! She was born at 4am, about an hour after I admitted to the hospital!
Thank you Bee Ting. I personally feel that after attending HypnoBirthing classes, I did not have any fears about childbirth throughout my pregnancy and birth. Even my husband was able to stay calm throughout. Now he keeps telling everyone that Birth IS EASY!
My EDD is on 10 June 2015. As the EDD gets closer, I will tell my baby everyday to only come out on the 10th of June so that I have time to finish my work. I ask Baby to come out quickly once we get to the hospital.
In early June, I received the Maybank Treat Point catalog. This fair runs from 11-14 June. As I really want to go to this fair, my initial wish for the birthing day to be on June 10th has changed. Coincidentally, when I went for my Doctor's appointment in early June, my Dr said that she will also be away from June 11-14. If I happen to birth when she is not around, a replacement Dr will take over. The moment I went home, I told Baby to either come out on June 10. Otherwise, she should wait for after June 14 so that I would have a chance to go to Maybank's treat point fair and wait for our Dr to come back from her holiday. Moreover, I also told Baby that I would prefer for her to be born before June 17 so that I can go back to my hometown to see my mum.
On 14 June, after going to the Maybank fair, I went to the hospital to induce labor with the Foley's balloon. This is a mechanical way to induce and is completely drug-free, that's why I agreed to it. After putting in the Foley's balloon, I have some birth show and nothing else.
On 15 June, I went to work as normal. My surges have started by then but it did not bothered me. By evening time, my surges were 7 minutes apart and again, I was able to work as normal - no problem. My surges continued till the wee hours of 16 June. Around midnight, my surges got closer and closer and with each surge, I feel like going to the toilet. Till about 2am, I wake my husband up and and discussed with him if we should go to the hospital. In the end, we did decide to check at the hospital. I even asked him not to drive too fast, no need to rush. I can even walk to the labor room myself.
By the time I reached the labor room, it was already 3am. The nurse examined me and found me to be 7-8 cm dilated! I changed into the hospital gown, laid down for less than 5 min and suddenly my membrane released. Once my membrane released, I started to feel the urge to breathe my baby down. During the birthing process, I can even drink water as I breathe my baby out. It felt very fast and my Baby was born! She was born at 4am, about an hour after I admitted to the hospital!
Thank you Bee Ting. I personally feel that after attending HypnoBirthing classes, I did not have any fears about childbirth throughout my pregnancy and birth. Even my husband was able to stay calm throughout. Now he keeps telling everyone that Birth IS EASY!