Jamy 的美好生产经验 / Jamy's Beautiful Birth Story
15.12.2017, 心情极度复杂的一天。这是我得知我怀孕的日期,记得当时的我不知所措。害怕?恐惧?担心?这些负面情绪真的胜过于我兴奋的感觉。从来都不敢想象自己得把孩子生下来的那一幕,许许多多的不安和恐惧感涌进我的脑海里。
25.07.2018,我的肚子其实已经不舒服了两天。两个晚上没有睡好,也不知道这其实就是所谓的阵痛,因为它就好像经痛的感觉。每当我觉得不舒服的时候,我就让自己放松下来,一直呼吸让自己可以度过那阵痛的时刻。直到我在凌晨两点看到有褐色的粘物排出来,猜想是不是要生了,就通知医生,然后用contraction apps来记录阵痛,老公在家做好准备要进院的一切而我继续让自己好好在家休息。
凌晨的六点多,我到了医院。护士帮我检查我的下体,她说已经开到7cm了,还问我说你不痛吗?但我只觉得整个人还可以,就只是有阵痛的时候要让自己休息一下,而且我也还可以自己走路。她们都说我很棒,而我的医生见到我也说:wow, you still can walk, very good 🏻 自己的心情莫名的开心起来,也对自己多了一份自信。
进了他们家医院为我们温柔分娩的父母们提供的产房以便可以达到我们的特别需求。在产房里我重复的播放着birthing affirmation,也把产房熏香让人放松的精油,好让我可以睡觉,休息。老公就在身边一直陪伴着我,有需要的时候就给我补充蜜糖水来增加体力和水分。偶尔我就用我的gym ball来做点小运动,也下床走一走,等待那重要的时刻。
到十一点半左右,不知不觉下体已经开到10cm了,准备要换不同的姿势来把宝宝生下来。老实说J breathing自己还没能完全掌控,跟着医生的指示,老公的陪伴和加油下,在一点左右,我利用在床上蹲着的姿势成功的把宝宝生了出来。很庆幸自己可以在完全没有任何药物的协助下把宝宝生了下来,当然老公,医生和护士的耐心及专业也是功不可没。宝宝非常温顺,医生把宝宝放在我的怀里,小闹了几下就睡在我怀里,这也就是我和他第一个亲密的肌肤接触 。
From Jamy and Julius
25.07.2018,我的肚子其实已经不舒服了两天。两个晚上没有睡好,也不知道这其实就是所谓的阵痛,因为它就好像经痛的感觉。每当我觉得不舒服的时候,我就让自己放松下来,一直呼吸让自己可以度过那阵痛的时刻。直到我在凌晨两点看到有褐色的粘物排出来,猜想是不是要生了,就通知医生,然后用contraction apps来记录阵痛,老公在家做好准备要进院的一切而我继续让自己好好在家休息。
凌晨的六点多,我到了医院。护士帮我检查我的下体,她说已经开到7cm了,还问我说你不痛吗?但我只觉得整个人还可以,就只是有阵痛的时候要让自己休息一下,而且我也还可以自己走路。她们都说我很棒,而我的医生见到我也说:wow, you still can walk, very good 🏻 自己的心情莫名的开心起来,也对自己多了一份自信。
进了他们家医院为我们温柔分娩的父母们提供的产房以便可以达到我们的特别需求。在产房里我重复的播放着birthing affirmation,也把产房熏香让人放松的精油,好让我可以睡觉,休息。老公就在身边一直陪伴着我,有需要的时候就给我补充蜜糖水来增加体力和水分。偶尔我就用我的gym ball来做点小运动,也下床走一走,等待那重要的时刻。
到十一点半左右,不知不觉下体已经开到10cm了,准备要换不同的姿势来把宝宝生下来。老实说J breathing自己还没能完全掌控,跟着医生的指示,老公的陪伴和加油下,在一点左右,我利用在床上蹲着的姿势成功的把宝宝生了出来。很庆幸自己可以在完全没有任何药物的协助下把宝宝生了下来,当然老公,医生和护士的耐心及专业也是功不可没。宝宝非常温顺,医生把宝宝放在我的怀里,小闹了几下就睡在我怀里,这也就是我和他第一个亲密的肌肤接触 。
From Jamy and Julius
15.12.2017 Mixed feelings today. This is the day I found out I was pregnant. I remember feeling lost. Fear? Worry? Concern? These negative feelings were way more than my excitement. I have never dared to imagine myself giving birth to a baby. I felt very uneasy and afraid at this thought of giving birth.
I began to worry a lot. Then I accidentally came across a Facebook ad on HypnoBirthing Mongan Method in Malaysia. So my husband and I signed up for this class. We have never regretted taking this class on gentle birth. I truly transformed from a person full of worry, unwilling to accept my pregnancy and full of fear for giving birth to become confident and full of the correct birthing knowledge. With this newfound confidence, I threw away all previous misconceptions and fears about childbirth.
25.07.2018 I have been feeling very uncomfortable at my belly for 2 days. I have not slept well for 2 nights. I did not realise I was having contractions because they merely felt like mild period cramps. Whenever I felt uncomfortable, I would totally relax and keep breathing deeply so I could manage the contractions. I waited till I saw some brownish discharge (birth show) at about 2 am before I thought I should call the OBGYN as my baby might be coming soon. Then I used a contraction app to record my contractions. In the meantime, my husband made all preparations for hospital admission while I rested and relaxed.
At about 6am, I arrived at the hospital. The midwife did a vaginal examination and said I was opened 7cm already! She even asked me “Don’t you feel the pain?” But I actually felt ok – I only needed to rest whenever I had a contraction. I could even walk on my own. All the midwives said I was fantastic! Even the doctor said “Wow, you still can walk! Very good!” when she saw me. I felt so happy and much more confident at those comments.
We entered the labour ward that has been specially prepared for us HypnoBirthing parents. In the room, I repeatedly listened to Birth Affirmations and put on some lavender essential oil to help me relax and sleep. My husband accompanied me throughout this journey, feeding me honey drink to replenish my energy whenever I needed it. I also use my gym ball for spiralling my hips and got down on the bed to walk around while I wait for THE moment!
It was around 11.30pm, I found out that my cervix has dilated to 10 cm. So I changed my position ready to birth my baby. Honestly, I have not really mastered J breathing so I followed the doctor’s prompts while my husband encouraged and supported me. At around 1am, I squatted on the bed and finally birthed my baby! I feel so relieved that I was able to birth my baby without any drugs or painkillers or epidural. I am grateful for the support and patience from my husband, midwives and doctor. My baby is very calm. Baby was put on my chest immediately for skin to skin bonding after birth. He only made a few sounds then fell asleep on my chest.
The birthing process was not as scary as the stories we have heard. I am so happy I managed to overcome my mental barriers and experience such a beautiful first birth!
I began to worry a lot. Then I accidentally came across a Facebook ad on HypnoBirthing Mongan Method in Malaysia. So my husband and I signed up for this class. We have never regretted taking this class on gentle birth. I truly transformed from a person full of worry, unwilling to accept my pregnancy and full of fear for giving birth to become confident and full of the correct birthing knowledge. With this newfound confidence, I threw away all previous misconceptions and fears about childbirth.
25.07.2018 I have been feeling very uncomfortable at my belly for 2 days. I have not slept well for 2 nights. I did not realise I was having contractions because they merely felt like mild period cramps. Whenever I felt uncomfortable, I would totally relax and keep breathing deeply so I could manage the contractions. I waited till I saw some brownish discharge (birth show) at about 2 am before I thought I should call the OBGYN as my baby might be coming soon. Then I used a contraction app to record my contractions. In the meantime, my husband made all preparations for hospital admission while I rested and relaxed.
At about 6am, I arrived at the hospital. The midwife did a vaginal examination and said I was opened 7cm already! She even asked me “Don’t you feel the pain?” But I actually felt ok – I only needed to rest whenever I had a contraction. I could even walk on my own. All the midwives said I was fantastic! Even the doctor said “Wow, you still can walk! Very good!” when she saw me. I felt so happy and much more confident at those comments.
We entered the labour ward that has been specially prepared for us HypnoBirthing parents. In the room, I repeatedly listened to Birth Affirmations and put on some lavender essential oil to help me relax and sleep. My husband accompanied me throughout this journey, feeding me honey drink to replenish my energy whenever I needed it. I also use my gym ball for spiralling my hips and got down on the bed to walk around while I wait for THE moment!
It was around 11.30pm, I found out that my cervix has dilated to 10 cm. So I changed my position ready to birth my baby. Honestly, I have not really mastered J breathing so I followed the doctor’s prompts while my husband encouraged and supported me. At around 1am, I squatted on the bed and finally birthed my baby! I feel so relieved that I was able to birth my baby without any drugs or painkillers or epidural. I am grateful for the support and patience from my husband, midwives and doctor. My baby is very calm. Baby was put on my chest immediately for skin to skin bonding after birth. He only made a few sounds then fell asleep on my chest.
The birthing process was not as scary as the stories we have heard. I am so happy I managed to overcome my mental barriers and experience such a beautiful first birth!