Vivian's painless, enjoyable, happy HypnoBirth
2/10/2015 – It was check-up day. As usual, I woke up, had my breakfast and went to clinic for check-up. My gynecologist’s office was packed and normally I had to wait for at least an hour or more. Finally it was my turn. Doctor did a check on me and suddenly announced that my cervix was already dilated 2cm. This made me nervous. Everything else was good so now was the time to wait patiently to welcome my little prince as doctor told me it could be any time now.
9/10/2015 – After a long week with no sign or symptom of delivering my little prince, it is time to visit my doctor for check up again. I did not know why but today I had a super craving on junk food. I opened up a pack of chips and started to stuff the chips into my mouth while waiting/queuing. Today I was the last mummy in the clinic. Finally it was my turn. As usual doctor did a check on my cervix. He was in shock and telling me: “OH, dilated 4 cm already, anytime within these 2 days.” He suggested that I admit to the hospital and do an induction so I can give birth on the day itself. I declined and said I just want it to be natural and as Bee Ting taught us “why rush the baby out when the baby knows best when to come out?” ALL THIS WHILE, MY HUSBAND AND I HAD BEEN TELLING OUR BABY TO COME ON 10/10 although the EDD is on 12/10. So in the end, I went home and continued stuffing food into my mouth. Hahahaha
At night, I decided to go for some drinks with my husband. It was a relaxing advance celebration to welcome our baby. It was Octoberfest so I forced my husband to drink and get the mug for me. We were still chilling and having fun with our friends. Don’t worry, I only had mango juice.
Went home at 11.30pm.
10/10/2015 – Ding Dong Ding Dong, it was 12 am, and I just reached home. Before my husband managed to open the gate to let me in, I felt like wanting to pee and before I could inform my husband, some liquid flowed out. Thinking it was pee, I went to the toilet to clean up but during cleaning up more ‘pee’ was dripping out. Finally I realized that it was actually amniotic fluid, not pee. (Silly first time Mommy) haha……..
Immediately I took a quick shower and prepared to go to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, I was still having fun, laughing with my husband. Very relaxed, I did not feel any contraction yet. When we reached the hospital and completed the admission procedure, it was already 2.35 am. Nurses started to check on me and I started to feel the contraction. Contractions came every 30 mins until 4am. I could feel more frequent contractions now and by now my cervix had dilated to 8cm which meant the time was coming soon. I was on ear plugs listening to soft music. My husband was sleeping next to me because he was too tired after the party. Hahahaha. I needed to rest myself too because I knew I would need more energy later.
Nurses were coming in and checking on me. She asked if I needed any painkiller pills or drips or injection. I told her I did not need all those. She said it was not epidural but just normal painkiller. I told her with confidence: “No, thank you.” She asked again just to reconfirm and I repeated the same thing: “No, thank you.”
8am - Finally my doctor reached the hospital and visited me. Everything was good and he said: “Ok, I will go for breakfast and when I come back, we can start.”
9am – Doctor was ready and did final check on me. WOW, coming …….my little prince was coming. PUSH…………… – J breath………………… ( doctor,mid-wife,nurses were watching TV while waiting for my surge to ask me push) They were more relaxed than me. hahahhahah
9/10/2015 – After a long week with no sign or symptom of delivering my little prince, it is time to visit my doctor for check up again. I did not know why but today I had a super craving on junk food. I opened up a pack of chips and started to stuff the chips into my mouth while waiting/queuing. Today I was the last mummy in the clinic. Finally it was my turn. As usual doctor did a check on my cervix. He was in shock and telling me: “OH, dilated 4 cm already, anytime within these 2 days.” He suggested that I admit to the hospital and do an induction so I can give birth on the day itself. I declined and said I just want it to be natural and as Bee Ting taught us “why rush the baby out when the baby knows best when to come out?” ALL THIS WHILE, MY HUSBAND AND I HAD BEEN TELLING OUR BABY TO COME ON 10/10 although the EDD is on 12/10. So in the end, I went home and continued stuffing food into my mouth. Hahahaha
At night, I decided to go for some drinks with my husband. It was a relaxing advance celebration to welcome our baby. It was Octoberfest so I forced my husband to drink and get the mug for me. We were still chilling and having fun with our friends. Don’t worry, I only had mango juice.
Went home at 11.30pm.
10/10/2015 – Ding Dong Ding Dong, it was 12 am, and I just reached home. Before my husband managed to open the gate to let me in, I felt like wanting to pee and before I could inform my husband, some liquid flowed out. Thinking it was pee, I went to the toilet to clean up but during cleaning up more ‘pee’ was dripping out. Finally I realized that it was actually amniotic fluid, not pee. (Silly first time Mommy) haha……..
Immediately I took a quick shower and prepared to go to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, I was still having fun, laughing with my husband. Very relaxed, I did not feel any contraction yet. When we reached the hospital and completed the admission procedure, it was already 2.35 am. Nurses started to check on me and I started to feel the contraction. Contractions came every 30 mins until 4am. I could feel more frequent contractions now and by now my cervix had dilated to 8cm which meant the time was coming soon. I was on ear plugs listening to soft music. My husband was sleeping next to me because he was too tired after the party. Hahahaha. I needed to rest myself too because I knew I would need more energy later.
Nurses were coming in and checking on me. She asked if I needed any painkiller pills or drips or injection. I told her I did not need all those. She said it was not epidural but just normal painkiller. I told her with confidence: “No, thank you.” She asked again just to reconfirm and I repeated the same thing: “No, thank you.”
8am - Finally my doctor reached the hospital and visited me. Everything was good and he said: “Ok, I will go for breakfast and when I come back, we can start.”
9am – Doctor was ready and did final check on me. WOW, coming …….my little prince was coming. PUSH…………… – J breath………………… ( doctor,mid-wife,nurses were watching TV while waiting for my surge to ask me push) They were more relaxed than me. hahahhahah
10.26am – Our little prince was born! Although a little underweight, he is super healthy and passed all test result. Finally I realized I am a brave mommy.
Overall my birth was actually painless, extremely fast, comfortable, calm,relaxed and easy. A millions thanks to Bee Ting & HypnoBirthing!
Overall my birth was actually painless, extremely fast, comfortable, calm,relaxed and easy. A millions thanks to Bee Ting & HypnoBirthing!