Wan Ning's Calm Second Birth
整个过程很清醒, 剪脐带, 老公拍照我都有说话参与。。 我不喜欢躺着, 脚开开, 我是跪着生, 然候自己接baby. 有些人是用polar bear / leaping frog姿势, 随自己喜欢怎样的position. 妈妈和宝宝决定要怎样的方式, 而不是医生决定你要怎么做。Hypnobirthing (催眠分娩)的医生基本上是站在那边看而已。。 生了过后感觉很好, 可以和医生护士聊天, 还可以讨论明天要吃些什么。。。过了不久可以下床。。 之前生女儿时, 感觉想死, 很虚弱, 过了很久才可以下床, 上厕所很痛。。。I have to follow doctor instructions for my previous birth which made me feel very insecure and uncomfortable. I had no idea about the birthing process and I felt very cold after delivery. 这次有和宝宝skin to skin 1小时, 一出生就放在我身上, 然后张开眼望着我! 宝宝很alert 和calm, 很厉害吸母乳! 分别是宝宝第一个看见, 接触的是妈妈, 而不是医生, 宝宝比较有安全感! 妈妈的感觉是美好的, 生产不可怕恐怖! 老公的陪伴和支持也很重要! 产前和生产时老公替我做light touch massage也有帮助! My elder daughter is more 'high demand' as a newborn because of the epidural I took during her birth and the vacuum she went through I guess. My elder daughter could not sleep well as a newborn. Now, this HypnoBirthing baby is very calm and more secure compared to his sister. He can sleep well and is very secure. He can play on his own. My breast milk kicks in since Day 1 compared with my last delivery when my milk only kicked in on day 3. HypnoBirthing definitely helps breastfeeding!