Mei Wei's Long awaited Drugfree HypnoBirthing, Malaysia
催眠生产记 - 我的小天使的出生过程
5/10/2015 是我小天使的预产期,但是在这天一点动静都没有,就只是一些假性宫缩,在晚上更为明显,每一次以为身体再次启动时,却发现是谎报,到了早上六点假性宫缩就停了,在预产期前持续了几天~到了6/10/2015凌晨,突然听到’啪'的一声,有一股水流出来,就以为是破水了,就叫醒老公起身准备,而我也去冲凉准备~到了医院护士为我检查,子宫勁只开了1.5cm ,而且再也没有流出任何液体,但是医生为了确定是不是羊水,要我留院观察一天,早上医生来看我,结果说怀疑不是羊水,要我回家
过后只好回家去医院附近吃早餐~那几天一直等啊等,一有宫缩,就很兴奋,但是呢,都持续几个小时而已,都好失望,8/10/2015看到褐色的分泌物,就问Bee ting 算不算是來红,她说是,好开心,身体开始工作了,可是宫缩等啊等,等到又到了复诊的时间11/10/2015,医生帮我检查也只开了2cm ,医生就建议我放Balloon ,一种无药物的催生方法,那个球放进去可以帮我开到4cm ~下午两点多放进去,五点多就跌出来了~也没什麽特别感觉,就感觉下体有点不舒服~宫缩比较频密而已
到了晚上睡觉的时候,忽然一股水流了出来,这次把我的卫生棉都弄湿了,我很确定这次是破水了,就叫老公带我到医院,一路上都有一些羊水流出来,到了医院,护士帮我检查,已经开到5cm ,好开心,正式进入产房,护士都说要多走动,或者去冲凉,可是大腿内侧在每一次的宫缩来临时,都非常的不舒服,但是为了可以开快一点,就和老公到楼下走走~过后到了晚上也只开多了一点点,因为我们呆在产房超过六小时,所以就被推出到普通病房等待~那时大概晚上十点了~在普通病房等待,宫缩突然变得频繁,更不舒服~大腿内侧不舒服到可以让自己站不住,就通知护士,再次进入产房~一直有宫缩出现,但这些宫缩都不能让子宫颈开,我就一直深呼吸,放松试着让自己放松~过后终于从7cm开到10cm
过后宫缩更加地频繁,感觉像要大便一样,不自觉的使力,把大便都挤出来了,这一个过程持续的好久~最后终于宝宝的头出来了,护士赶快叫医生来,最终我的小公主终于顺利地来报道了~马上宝宝就和我还有老公做连接,她都很平静的躺在我的胸前,只是在出生时哭了几声而已,过后就让她开始吸奶,她就很有劲儿地在吸奶~超棒的~脐带也在我胎盘生出后才剪,这是为了把最好的脐带血都输送到宝贝身上~整个过程将近二十五个小时,我漫长的生产过程,但是我做到了自然生产,不用药,不剪会陰,完全自然的生产。小公主在13/10/2015出世, EDD+8日后。
感恩我有机会上催眠生产课Bee Ting Ng也感恩遇到支持催眠生产的Dr Tan Ee Ping ~也谢谢护士们过程中给予的鼓励,最重要感谢我的老公Jeff Wang一直陪在我身边让我可以坚持到最后~
The birth story of my little angel
5/10/2015 was the EDD of my little angel but nothing happened that day - only some practice surges (Braxton Hicks). The practice surges are more pronounced during the night but every time we thought that’s the real deal, the surges would stop around 6amso we knew it was another false alarm. This happened from a few days prior to EDD till on 6/10/2015, I suddenly heard a ‘pop’ sound and felt a gush of liquid. Thinking that my membrane might have released (water bag broke), I awakened my husband Jeff to get ready while I took a shower. When we reached the hospital, the nurse checked only to find my cervix is 1.5cm dilated and there was no more leak. However, just to be sure if those were amniotic fluid, the doctor kept me there for observation for a day only to send me home after she confirmed it was not membrane release.
After being discharged from the hospital, we went for breakfast nearby. The next few days turned out to be a waiting game. Whenever I felt a surge, I would get excited but after a few hours, the surges would stop. It was so disappointing.
On 8/10/2015, I saw some brownish discharge so I called Bee Ting to confirmed if it was birth show. She said yes and that made me very happy so I knew finally the body was starting to do its work. However, the surges never came. On 11/10/15, when we went for our regular checkup, the doctor did a vaginal exam to find my cervix 2cm dilated. The doctor recommended that I insert the Foley’s balloon which is drugfree way to induce labor and get my cervix dilated to 4cm. We inserted it around 2pm. Around 5pm, the balloon fell out. There was no special feellings, I just felt some mild discomfort in my pelvic area. The surges are more frequent now.
When I was sleeping at night, I felt a suddden gush of water flowed out. This time, my sanitary pad was soaked. I was very sure my membrane had released so I asked Jeff to fetch me to the hospital. While in the car, I could feel water leaking. When we admitted to the hospital, the nurse checked and said I was 5cm dilated. I was very happy and was sent to the labor ward. The nurse told us to walk more or go take a shower. However, every time I had a surge, I felt discomfort on my inner thigh. Despite that, I went downstaits for a stroll with Jeff, hoping that it would hasten the labor. However, after 6 hours, there was little progress and we had to transfer to the normal ward to wait. That was around 10pm.
When we were at the normal ward, suddenly I felt the surges became more frequent and more intense. The discomfort at my inner thigh was so intense that I could not stand. So we inform the nurses and was transferred once again to the labor room. The surges were consistent and I utilised the breathing techniques we learnt in HypnoBirthing classes to relax and greet each surge. Finally I dilated from 7cm to 10cm.
At that point, the surges were even more frequent and I felt like I want to poo. That was the birthing phase and I kept pushing for what felt like a long time and finally my baby’s head was out. The nurse went to call the doctor and finally my little princess was born. We had immediate skin to skin bonding - the three of us. She laid on my chest calmly and only cried a few cries at birth. I breastfed her afterwards and she was able to suckle very well - awesome! We only cut her umbilical cord after the birth of my placenta so that she can get all those precious cord blood. The whole process took 25 hours but I was able to achieve a natural birth - completely drug free, no episiotomy- completely natural! My little princess was born on 13/10/2015, 8 days after her EDD.
I am grateful for the chance to attend HypnoBirthing class with Bee Ting Ng. Also I am thankful to have met a doctor who is supportive of HypnoBirthing - Dr Tan Ee Ping and thanks to the midwives and nurses for their gentle support and encouragement during the birthing process. Most of all, big thank you to my husband, Jeff Wang, for always being with me so that I can persist till the very end.
5/10/2015 是我小天使的预产期,但是在这天一点动静都没有,就只是一些假性宫缩,在晚上更为明显,每一次以为身体再次启动时,却发现是谎报,到了早上六点假性宫缩就停了,在预产期前持续了几天~到了6/10/2015凌晨,突然听到’啪'的一声,有一股水流出来,就以为是破水了,就叫醒老公起身准备,而我也去冲凉准备~到了医院护士为我检查,子宫勁只开了1.5cm ,而且再也没有流出任何液体,但是医生为了确定是不是羊水,要我留院观察一天,早上医生来看我,结果说怀疑不是羊水,要我回家
过后只好回家去医院附近吃早餐~那几天一直等啊等,一有宫缩,就很兴奋,但是呢,都持续几个小时而已,都好失望,8/10/2015看到褐色的分泌物,就问Bee ting 算不算是來红,她说是,好开心,身体开始工作了,可是宫缩等啊等,等到又到了复诊的时间11/10/2015,医生帮我检查也只开了2cm ,医生就建议我放Balloon ,一种无药物的催生方法,那个球放进去可以帮我开到4cm ~下午两点多放进去,五点多就跌出来了~也没什麽特别感觉,就感觉下体有点不舒服~宫缩比较频密而已
到了晚上睡觉的时候,忽然一股水流了出来,这次把我的卫生棉都弄湿了,我很确定这次是破水了,就叫老公带我到医院,一路上都有一些羊水流出来,到了医院,护士帮我检查,已经开到5cm ,好开心,正式进入产房,护士都说要多走动,或者去冲凉,可是大腿内侧在每一次的宫缩来临时,都非常的不舒服,但是为了可以开快一点,就和老公到楼下走走~过后到了晚上也只开多了一点点,因为我们呆在产房超过六小时,所以就被推出到普通病房等待~那时大概晚上十点了~在普通病房等待,宫缩突然变得频繁,更不舒服~大腿内侧不舒服到可以让自己站不住,就通知护士,再次进入产房~一直有宫缩出现,但这些宫缩都不能让子宫颈开,我就一直深呼吸,放松试着让自己放松~过后终于从7cm开到10cm
过后宫缩更加地频繁,感觉像要大便一样,不自觉的使力,把大便都挤出来了,这一个过程持续的好久~最后终于宝宝的头出来了,护士赶快叫医生来,最终我的小公主终于顺利地来报道了~马上宝宝就和我还有老公做连接,她都很平静的躺在我的胸前,只是在出生时哭了几声而已,过后就让她开始吸奶,她就很有劲儿地在吸奶~超棒的~脐带也在我胎盘生出后才剪,这是为了把最好的脐带血都输送到宝贝身上~整个过程将近二十五个小时,我漫长的生产过程,但是我做到了自然生产,不用药,不剪会陰,完全自然的生产。小公主在13/10/2015出世, EDD+8日后。
感恩我有机会上催眠生产课Bee Ting Ng也感恩遇到支持催眠生产的Dr Tan Ee Ping ~也谢谢护士们过程中给予的鼓励,最重要感谢我的老公Jeff Wang一直陪在我身边让我可以坚持到最后~
The birth story of my little angel
5/10/2015 was the EDD of my little angel but nothing happened that day - only some practice surges (Braxton Hicks). The practice surges are more pronounced during the night but every time we thought that’s the real deal, the surges would stop around 6amso we knew it was another false alarm. This happened from a few days prior to EDD till on 6/10/2015, I suddenly heard a ‘pop’ sound and felt a gush of liquid. Thinking that my membrane might have released (water bag broke), I awakened my husband Jeff to get ready while I took a shower. When we reached the hospital, the nurse checked only to find my cervix is 1.5cm dilated and there was no more leak. However, just to be sure if those were amniotic fluid, the doctor kept me there for observation for a day only to send me home after she confirmed it was not membrane release.
After being discharged from the hospital, we went for breakfast nearby. The next few days turned out to be a waiting game. Whenever I felt a surge, I would get excited but after a few hours, the surges would stop. It was so disappointing.
On 8/10/2015, I saw some brownish discharge so I called Bee Ting to confirmed if it was birth show. She said yes and that made me very happy so I knew finally the body was starting to do its work. However, the surges never came. On 11/10/15, when we went for our regular checkup, the doctor did a vaginal exam to find my cervix 2cm dilated. The doctor recommended that I insert the Foley’s balloon which is drugfree way to induce labor and get my cervix dilated to 4cm. We inserted it around 2pm. Around 5pm, the balloon fell out. There was no special feellings, I just felt some mild discomfort in my pelvic area. The surges are more frequent now.
When I was sleeping at night, I felt a suddden gush of water flowed out. This time, my sanitary pad was soaked. I was very sure my membrane had released so I asked Jeff to fetch me to the hospital. While in the car, I could feel water leaking. When we admitted to the hospital, the nurse checked and said I was 5cm dilated. I was very happy and was sent to the labor ward. The nurse told us to walk more or go take a shower. However, every time I had a surge, I felt discomfort on my inner thigh. Despite that, I went downstaits for a stroll with Jeff, hoping that it would hasten the labor. However, after 6 hours, there was little progress and we had to transfer to the normal ward to wait. That was around 10pm.
When we were at the normal ward, suddenly I felt the surges became more frequent and more intense. The discomfort at my inner thigh was so intense that I could not stand. So we inform the nurses and was transferred once again to the labor room. The surges were consistent and I utilised the breathing techniques we learnt in HypnoBirthing classes to relax and greet each surge. Finally I dilated from 7cm to 10cm.
At that point, the surges were even more frequent and I felt like I want to poo. That was the birthing phase and I kept pushing for what felt like a long time and finally my baby’s head was out. The nurse went to call the doctor and finally my little princess was born. We had immediate skin to skin bonding - the three of us. She laid on my chest calmly and only cried a few cries at birth. I breastfed her afterwards and she was able to suckle very well - awesome! We only cut her umbilical cord after the birth of my placenta so that she can get all those precious cord blood. The whole process took 25 hours but I was able to achieve a natural birth - completely drug free, no episiotomy- completely natural! My little princess was born on 13/10/2015, 8 days after her EDD.
I am grateful for the chance to attend HypnoBirthing class with Bee Ting Ng. Also I am thankful to have met a doctor who is supportive of HypnoBirthing - Dr Tan Ee Ping and thanks to the midwives and nurses for their gentle support and encouragement during the birthing process. Most of all, big thank you to my husband, Jeff Wang, for always being with me so that I can persist till the very end.