HypnoBirthing® Mongan Method - Tried and tested childbirth techniques
HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method is a 12.5-hour antenatal class that covers the A-Zs of childbirth preparation. This comprehensive course is the only antenatal class you need to learn about the whole birth process and many useful techniques like breathing & relaxation so you can stay calm and relaxed during labour to manage the pain better.
We also teach about signs and stages of labour and what to do, birth positions, birth plans, nutrition and exercise etc. Your birth companions will also learn what to do and say to support and encourage you during labour and birth. Your partner will love this course! |
I’ve been a Labor & Birthing nurse for 17 years; and after attending HypnoBirthings, I’ll never look at birth in the same light. It’s incredible. – Traveling Nurse, Judy Richardson, RN
Does hypnobirthing work?
The short answer is yes! Various studies have shown that HypnoBirthing is beneficial for both mother / birthing person & baby with better birth outcomes.
For example, a study published in the British Journal of Midwifery by Julie Phillips-Moore shows better birth outcomes like shorter length of labour, lower Caesarean section rates, lesser use of gas and epidurals, more drugfree & comfortable births. Overall, birth satisfaction is higher for both birthing persons and their partners. You can read the article here.
For example, a study published in the British Journal of Midwifery by Julie Phillips-Moore shows better birth outcomes like shorter length of labour, lower Caesarean section rates, lesser use of gas and epidurals, more drugfree & comfortable births. Overall, birth satisfaction is higher for both birthing persons and their partners. You can read the article here.
Class format
The HypnoBirthing® course is run over 5 weekly sessions of 2.5 hours each. We offer online live classes and physical face-to-face classes. You can choose a small group class (usually 2-5 couples) or a private class.
We recommend that you begin your HypnoBirthing® classes as soon as possible after the first trimester. However, if you are very near to your birthing time or live far away, we can make special arrangements for private classes with you. Please contact me for more details.
We recommend that you begin your HypnoBirthing® classes as soon as possible after the first trimester. However, if you are very near to your birthing time or live far away, we can make special arrangements for private classes with you. Please contact me for more details.
Unit 1 Building a Positive Expectancy
Rationale for Comfortable Birth
How the Uterus Works
What’s Wrong with Labor?
How Fear Affects Labor
Origin of Pain Concept
Hypnosis and Deep Relaxation / Creating Positive Birth Outcomes
HypnoBirthing® Stories – 1 and 2
Unit 2 Falling In Love With Your Baby / Preparing Mind & Body
HypnoBirthing® Stories - 3 and 4
Pre-birth Parenting Techniques
Bonding video
Relaxation and Visualization for Birthing
Rapid and Instant Relaxation Techniques
Breathing Techniques for Labor and Birthing
Progressive, Instant, and Deepening Techniques
Hypnotic Relaxation and Visualizations
Unit 3 Getting Ready to Welcome Your Baby
Looking at your Estimated Due Date
Making Hospital, Home or Birthing Center Plans
Preparing the Body for Birthing
Light Touch Birthing Massage
HypnoBirthing® Stories – 5 and 6
Preparing your Birth Preferences Sheets
When Baby is Ready
Avoiding Artificial Induction of Labor
Your Body Working for You And with You
Releasing Negative Emotions, Fears and Limiting Thoughts
Unit 4 Overview of Childbirth – A Labor of Love
HypnoBirthing® Stories – 7 and 8
Onset of Labor – Thinning and Opening Phase
Arriving At the Hospital
As Labor Moves Along
Birth Companion’s Role
If Labor Rests or Slows
Positions for Labor and Birthing
Protecting the Natural Birthing Experience
As Birthing Advances – Nearing Completion
Birth Rehearsal Imagery
Unit 5 Birthing– Breathing Love, Bringing Life
Birthing video
Mother Nears Completion – Thinning and Opening Phase Ends
Birth Explained Simply
Breathing Baby Down
Birth of the Placenta
Family Bonding
Fourth Trimester
Rationale for Comfortable Birth
How the Uterus Works
What’s Wrong with Labor?
How Fear Affects Labor
Origin of Pain Concept
Hypnosis and Deep Relaxation / Creating Positive Birth Outcomes
HypnoBirthing® Stories – 1 and 2
Unit 2 Falling In Love With Your Baby / Preparing Mind & Body
HypnoBirthing® Stories - 3 and 4
Pre-birth Parenting Techniques
Bonding video
Relaxation and Visualization for Birthing
Rapid and Instant Relaxation Techniques
Breathing Techniques for Labor and Birthing
Progressive, Instant, and Deepening Techniques
Hypnotic Relaxation and Visualizations
Unit 3 Getting Ready to Welcome Your Baby
Looking at your Estimated Due Date
Making Hospital, Home or Birthing Center Plans
Preparing the Body for Birthing
Light Touch Birthing Massage
HypnoBirthing® Stories – 5 and 6
Preparing your Birth Preferences Sheets
When Baby is Ready
Avoiding Artificial Induction of Labor
Your Body Working for You And with You
Releasing Negative Emotions, Fears and Limiting Thoughts
Unit 4 Overview of Childbirth – A Labor of Love
HypnoBirthing® Stories – 7 and 8
Onset of Labor – Thinning and Opening Phase
Arriving At the Hospital
As Labor Moves Along
Birth Companion’s Role
If Labor Rests or Slows
Positions for Labor and Birthing
Protecting the Natural Birthing Experience
As Birthing Advances – Nearing Completion
Birth Rehearsal Imagery
Unit 5 Birthing– Breathing Love, Bringing Life
Birthing video
Mother Nears Completion – Thinning and Opening Phase Ends
Birth Explained Simply
Breathing Baby Down
Birth of the Placenta
Family Bonding
Fourth Trimester
Find your class in Australia, Malaysia and Singapore
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Is it just for one class?
No, there are a total of 5 classes (12.5 hours) taught once a week for 5 weeks. Each class is 2.5 hours long
How much are the fees?
Group class - RM 1,300 / SGD 800 / AUD & NZD 600 per couple
Private class - RM 2,600 / SGD 1400 / AUD & NZD 1,200 per couple at instructor's venue
*Extra postage charges may apply for delivery of textbook & class materials
Private class - RM 2,600 / SGD 1400 / AUD & NZD 1,200 per couple at instructor's venue
*Extra postage charges may apply for delivery of textbook & class materials
What does the fees include?
- Comprehensive course for both you and your birth companion
- Your own copy of the 319-page HypnoBirthing Text, HypnoBirthing-- The Mongan Method
- 5 x 2.5 hours of information-packed class meetings, helping you to understand why labor doesn't have to hurt
- 5 professionally written scripts for your home practice
- 2 audio tracks for your relaxation, stress reduction, and bonding (Including the program cornerstone audio, Rainbow Relaxation)
- Class handbook for planning your Birth Preferences
- A set of Birth Prompts for your birth Companion
- Demonstration and practice in optimal birth positions
- A free hypnotic session in building birth confidence and eliminating fears
- A Guide to good pregnancy nutrition
- Several deep relaxation techniques for use during birthing, plus
- Well-paced instruction designed to build your confidence and help you to have a safer, easier, and more comfortable birthing
- Special calm breathing methods for use throughout labor and during birthing
- Private instruction if desired
- Small classes for personal attention
- Body toning exercises and practice
- The advantage and confidence of the Mongan Method reputation for top-quality birthing preparation
What topics do the HypnoBirthing course cover?
HypnoBirthing (Mongan Method) course is a complete 12.5 hours childbirth preparation class.
We cover many topics and techniques over 5 weekly classes
- breathing techniques
- relaxation techniques
- birth companion role
- birth plan preparation
- prenatal bonding
- fear release & deepening relaxation techniques
- light touch massage for easier labor
- exercise and nutrition
- selecting and communicating with your caregiver
- birth positions & re-positioning
- natural ways to initiate labor etc
We cover many topics and techniques over 5 weekly classes
- breathing techniques
- relaxation techniques
- birth companion role
- birth plan preparation
- prenatal bonding
- fear release & deepening relaxation techniques
- light touch massage for easier labor
- exercise and nutrition
- selecting and communicating with your caregiver
- birth positions & re-positioning
- natural ways to initiate labor etc
When is the best time to attend class?
Generally it is better to attend the class as soon as possible but as some people experience tiredness or morning sickness in the first trimester, we usually suggest attending class as early in your second trimester as possible. You should feel most energetic then. By attending class early, you will have plenty of time to practice the various techniques we teach in class so that you can have your easier, comfortable birth
If I attend class too early, will i forget what i learnt?
You should be practicing the techniques we teach daily. You will not forget them if you are practicing every day. If you really need a refresher, you can contact your instructor for a free refresher by sitting in on subsequent groups provided there is space
My Estimated Due Date (EDD) is less than 5 weeks time, it is too late for me to attend class? What if I don't have enough time to practice?
It is never too late to attend class. HypnoBirthing does not take forever to work. From the first class, HypnoBirthing already works in eliminating a lot of the common fears and misconceptions about birth. The lack of fear is an important factor in a comfortable birth experience.
Do I have to attend all five classes?
The HypnoBirthing full course consists of 5 weekly 2.5-hour classes. Total course time is 12.5 hours with comprehensive instructions on how to achieve an easier, more comfortable birth. It is best to attend all 5 classes as each class touches on different topics. Should you have to miss any class, you can replace it for a fee or for free by sitting in subsequent group provided there is space. Please discuss with your instructor.
What if my partner is unable to attend all/some classes? Should I still attend?
Yes you should still attend the class as you are the one birthing your baby after all, not your partner. Whilst we highly encourage partners to attend as many classes as possible, it is most important that the birthing person be fully prepared. Birth partners are taught how to support and encourage you in class so maybe you can share with your partner at home what your partner has missed or discuss with your instructor about doing a special private session for your partner just on the birth companion role (extra charges may apply). But please do not let that be the reason for not attending class altogether. It is better for one person to be prepared than for both to be unprepared. We sometimes have mothers attend classes alone and have wonderful births.
Can I just buy the book and self study at home? Why attend class?
There are many advantages to joining a live class. Many mothers join classes after they have read the book because they do not quite understand some of the techniques in the book. Your certified HypnoBirthing instructor would be able to demonstrate these techniques and guide you in achieving the desired methods. Also there are many extra scripts and tips shared in class that are not in the textbook like the Fear Release session which is a very powerful session designed to help parents let go of their inner fears about parenting and birth. Besides, it is a lot more fun learning in a group of parents with similar EDDs. The lifelong friendship and mutual support gained in such a group goes a long way after your babies are born.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a normal and natural state - a change in our brain wave activity that each of us experiences throughout the day. Everyone has been driving in a car, intending to stop at the grocery store on the way home, and suddenly finds themselves pulling up to their home.... that is hypnosis. When you're watching a movie, reading a good book, and you lose track of time, that is hypnosis.
Despite misconceptions and misinformation, you are definitely not unconscious during self-hypnosis. When having your baby with HypnoBirthing®, you will be conversant and in good spirits — totally relaxed, but fully in control. You will be aware of your body’s contractions, but will be able to determine the extent to which you feel the surge. You will experience your birthing in an atmosphere of calm and relaxation, without the fear and tension that cause pain. Your body’s natural anesthesia (endorphins) will replace the stress hormones that cause pain. When it is time for you baby to be born, you will be fully awake and involved.
Will HypnoBirthing be useful to me if I don't opt for a natural childbirth or if circumstances necessitate medical intervention or a surgical birth?
Absolutely. The knowledge you gain in your HypnoBirthing classes will help you to stay calm and relaxed during birth that will be useful to both you and your baby, regardless of your birthing method. In the event that medical intervention of any sort is needed, you will find yourself better able to remain calm and in control. Mothers who have needed scheduled cesareans for medical reasons report that they were totally relaxed before, during and after the procedure. Many report that they needed little or no medication following the birth, and they were able to recover in a shorter period of time.
HypnoBirthing does not promise painless birthing, though many HypnoBirthing mothers do report having a relatively pain-free birth or one that they were able to manage easily. When the cause of pain--fear that constricts the birthing muscles—is eliminated, birthing can be accomplished in a shorter period and much more comfortably. A relaxed mother’s body will produce more endorphins, nature’s own relaxants. HypnoBirthing mothers may still experience sensations of tightening or pressure; but most describe their birth experience as working with their body through the sensations, and thus avoiding the excruciating pain that is frequently spoken of by women who choose other methods of preparation for birthing.
The Birth Companion of the mother’s choice is an integral part of the HypnoBirthing experience. He or she practices with the mother in helping to prepare for deep relaxation. During labor the Birth Companion guides the laboring mother through hypnosis prompts, relaxation techniques, deepening methods, and visualizations, provides comfort measures, and joins in welcoming the new baby, often by receiving the baby as he emerges.
Unlike other childbirth methods that teach you how to cope with and manage pain, HypnoBirthing is based on the premise that childbirth does not necessarily need to be painful if the mother is properly prepared and relaxed. When women understand that pain is caused by constrictor hormones, created by fear, they learn, instead, to release fear thus creating endorphins—the feel good hormones. They are then able to change their expectations of long, painful labor and are able to replace them with expectations of a more comfortable birthing. Rather than exhausting, shallow breathing and the distraction techniques of typical “prepared childbirth” programs, HypnoBirthing parents learn deep abdominal breathing and total relaxation, enabling the laboring mother to work in harmony with her body and her baby. This allows her to achieve a shorter and more comfortable labor for herself and baby.