Shu Shee's Fast Fast Drug-free Hospital Birth
我的预产期是13-02-2013, 刚好是农历新年年初四。那段时间刚好家人没在身边, 与是我希望孩子可以在新年之前出世。
我相信孩子在妈妈的肚子里,是会听到妈妈每天想要和他说的话语。 在第三十个礼拜开始,我就经常告诉宝宝,孩子当你觉得是时候出来见妈妈的时候,记得让妈妈有足够的时间收拾和清理自己, 一去到医院,你要快快的出来,不要让妈妈辛苦那么久,妈妈怕痛痛。 我每天都会让宝宝听baby plus 和 rainbow CD, 让宝宝感应妈妈的存在,妈妈也会感应宝宝正常的律动。 第三十二个礼拜开始,每天早上醒来,都会和宝宝说早安,今天是几月几号, 还有多少天你就可以出来见妈妈了。 然后告诉宝宝你不能太早出来哦,不足三十六个礼拜,待会要住box box, 很可怜,妈妈又照顾不到你。 就这样安全的过了第三十六个礼拜,然后我就告诉宝宝, 孩子妈妈还有一些事情还没处理, 过了一月三十一号,你随时都可以出来见妈妈了。 一月三十一号那天,我照常上班,把我手上的工作交待好, 放了工约了几位同事去吃BBQ Steamboat buffet, 还记得那天晚上尽情的吃,没再戒口,吃到很饱很饱。 离开的时候大约晚上九点左右,在同事的车上肚子有点不舒服,但也许是自己吃的太饱的关系,也没想那么多。 9.30pm 同事载我回公司拿车, 在自己驾车回家的路上,肚子又有点不对劲,于是我和宝宝说,宝贝,妈妈在驾车回家, 让妈妈回家冲凉,洗头好吗。 不久后,肚子又恢复正常了。 10.00pm 回到家里, 我就去梳洗,我一吹干头发, 肚子就开始不舒服了。 10.30pm 开始感觉到子宫收缩,于是躺在床上,并让家人知道我的情况,告诉他们还不需要去医院,我还应付得来。于是,床上马桶两边跑,原来坐在马桶上会比较舒服。 11.30pm 宫缩越来越强烈,没办法再谈天或 whatsapp了, 记得Bee Ting 说,是时候去医院了,于是家人帮我把应带去医院的东西放进车里,准备去医院了。 12.00am 去医院途中,虽然宫缩越来越平率,我还是可以集中注意力,引导家人去医院那条路。 12.15am 终于到医院门口了, 医护人员把我放上轮椅,这下子,我再也忍不住了,大喊起来,意识中我只知道我必须将所有的一切释放出来, 怎知这一放,衣服还来不及换,羊胎水破了。破得真是合时呢。我的小小孩可真的很配合妈妈的时间。护士还想把我搬上病床,检查些什么的,我于是大声地和护士说,我的B 就要出来了! 12.30am 我被护士直接推入产房,护士们急call 我的医生,天啊, 医生竟然没接电话!我已经准备好了,呼吸呼吸呼吸,我的小小孩也准备好了,护士竟然叫我on hold, 还找不到医生。 我才不管你医生来不来,我的B已经迫不及待了,我于是集中呼吸。 护士见状不妙,通知代班医生,才来了一位我也不知道他是何方人物,帮我接生。 1.04am 我的小小孩诞生了,无需太大的力气,小小孩真的很爱妈妈,没让我受苦太久。 我的小情人,妈妈爱你! |
My first time and also my only time. Thank God for this once-in-a-lifetime experience!
My EDD was 13 Feb 2013 which coincided with the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. As my family would be away during that time, I wished for my baby to be born before the Lunar New Year starts.
I believed that my unborn child could hear my daily conversations with him. Starting from the 30th week, I started telling my baby the birth plan. When he felt that it was time for him to be born, I asked him to give me enough time to pack my things, take a shower before we made our way to the hospital. Once at the hospital, he was to come out very quickly so that I would not need to "suffer" and that mummy was very afraid of pain.
I would let my baby listen to Baby Plus and the HypnoBirthing Rainbow Relaxation CD every single day so that the baby could feel my presence and I could repond to his movements.
At the start of the 32nd week, I would greet the baby "Good Morning baby! Today is x day of x month and how many days more before you can come out to see mummy!" Then I would tell the baby that you cannot come out too early - not earlier than 36 weeks, otherwise you would be in an incubator which is very pitiful and mummy would not be able to care for you.
Just like this, we passed the 36th week mark safely. Then I told my bbay that I still had some matters to settle and please wait till 31 Jan, then you could come out and see me any time.
On 31 Jan, I went to work as normal. Handed over the jobs on hand and had a delicious BBQ steamboat buffet dinner with my colleagues. I still remembered that I ate with a vengence, filling up my stomach as much as possible - thoroughly enjoying myself. When we left the restaurant, it was about 9-ish pm. As I sat in my colleague's car on the way back to the office to collect my car, I started to feel some discomfort in my tummy. Thinking may be it was due to the food overload, I brushed it off and didn't think too much of it.
9.30pm Reached the office and took my car. As I was driving home, I started to feel some sensation in my tummy again so I told my baby that mummy was driving home now. I asked him to let me shower and wash my hair first. Not long after that, my tummy felt normal again.
10.00pm Reached home, took a shower and blew dry my hair. Discomfort in the tummy began.
10.30pm Started to feel the surges. Unmistakable this time. So I laid down in bed, informed my family. However, I told them I don't need to go to the hospital yet. I could still cope with the surges. I alternated between the bed and the toilet. Sitting on the toilet felt a lot more comfortable for me.
11.30pm The surges were getting more intense. I could not chat nor whatsapp anymore. I remembered Bee Ting said that that was the time to go to the hospital and so my family loaded my things into the car and got ready to leave for the hospital.
12.00pm On the way to the hospital, even though my surges were more frequent, I was able to concentrate and calmly directed my family on the route to the hospital
12.15am Finally at the entrance to the hospital. The hospital staff put me on the wheelchair. At that point, I could not hold it in anymore, I let out a cry! Subconsciously, I knew that I need to completely let go, to release everything for birth to happen. Little did I expect that with this emotional release, my membrane released as well. I didn't even have time to change into the hospital gown. In my mind, I was thinking "Such great timing baby!". The nurse was going to get me on the bed and do some assessment but I shouted that my baby was coming soon.
12.30am The nurse decided to bring me to the labor room immediately. The nurses tried to call my doctor-in-charge but alas, my doctor did not answer his phone. Meanwhile, I was already ready, breathing in breathing down. My baby was also ready, I could feel it. The nurse asked to hold on and not push my baby out but in my mind, I was thinking "I don't care whether the doctor is coming or not, my baby is coming now! He can't wait!" So I focused on my birth breathing and started to breathe my baby out. The nurse saw that I was not going to wait and went to look for the doctor on call immediately. Finally this stranger ie doctor-on-call came and received my baby.
1.04am My baby was born, very easily without much effort from me. My little baby really loves me as he did not want me to "suffer" too much.
My little lover, Mummy loves you!
My EDD was 13 Feb 2013 which coincided with the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. As my family would be away during that time, I wished for my baby to be born before the Lunar New Year starts.
I believed that my unborn child could hear my daily conversations with him. Starting from the 30th week, I started telling my baby the birth plan. When he felt that it was time for him to be born, I asked him to give me enough time to pack my things, take a shower before we made our way to the hospital. Once at the hospital, he was to come out very quickly so that I would not need to "suffer" and that mummy was very afraid of pain.
I would let my baby listen to Baby Plus and the HypnoBirthing Rainbow Relaxation CD every single day so that the baby could feel my presence and I could repond to his movements.
At the start of the 32nd week, I would greet the baby "Good Morning baby! Today is x day of x month and how many days more before you can come out to see mummy!" Then I would tell the baby that you cannot come out too early - not earlier than 36 weeks, otherwise you would be in an incubator which is very pitiful and mummy would not be able to care for you.
Just like this, we passed the 36th week mark safely. Then I told my bbay that I still had some matters to settle and please wait till 31 Jan, then you could come out and see me any time.
On 31 Jan, I went to work as normal. Handed over the jobs on hand and had a delicious BBQ steamboat buffet dinner with my colleagues. I still remembered that I ate with a vengence, filling up my stomach as much as possible - thoroughly enjoying myself. When we left the restaurant, it was about 9-ish pm. As I sat in my colleague's car on the way back to the office to collect my car, I started to feel some discomfort in my tummy. Thinking may be it was due to the food overload, I brushed it off and didn't think too much of it.
9.30pm Reached the office and took my car. As I was driving home, I started to feel some sensation in my tummy again so I told my baby that mummy was driving home now. I asked him to let me shower and wash my hair first. Not long after that, my tummy felt normal again.
10.00pm Reached home, took a shower and blew dry my hair. Discomfort in the tummy began.
10.30pm Started to feel the surges. Unmistakable this time. So I laid down in bed, informed my family. However, I told them I don't need to go to the hospital yet. I could still cope with the surges. I alternated between the bed and the toilet. Sitting on the toilet felt a lot more comfortable for me.
11.30pm The surges were getting more intense. I could not chat nor whatsapp anymore. I remembered Bee Ting said that that was the time to go to the hospital and so my family loaded my things into the car and got ready to leave for the hospital.
12.00pm On the way to the hospital, even though my surges were more frequent, I was able to concentrate and calmly directed my family on the route to the hospital
12.15am Finally at the entrance to the hospital. The hospital staff put me on the wheelchair. At that point, I could not hold it in anymore, I let out a cry! Subconsciously, I knew that I need to completely let go, to release everything for birth to happen. Little did I expect that with this emotional release, my membrane released as well. I didn't even have time to change into the hospital gown. In my mind, I was thinking "Such great timing baby!". The nurse was going to get me on the bed and do some assessment but I shouted that my baby was coming soon.
12.30am The nurse decided to bring me to the labor room immediately. The nurses tried to call my doctor-in-charge but alas, my doctor did not answer his phone. Meanwhile, I was already ready, breathing in breathing down. My baby was also ready, I could feel it. The nurse asked to hold on and not push my baby out but in my mind, I was thinking "I don't care whether the doctor is coming or not, my baby is coming now! He can't wait!" So I focused on my birth breathing and started to breathe my baby out. The nurse saw that I was not going to wait and went to look for the doctor on call immediately. Finally this stranger ie doctor-on-call came and received my baby.
1.04am My baby was born, very easily without much effort from me. My little baby really loves me as he did not want me to "suffer" too much.
My little lover, Mummy loves you!