Chloe's Calm Hospital Lotus Birth - 醫院的蓮花生產
在懷二寶的初期,在網上閱讀了一些媽媽對催眠生產的分享,就聯絡了Bee Ting(HypnoBirthing Educator),確定了催眠生產的上課時間。隨後一直和先生分享了媽媽在網上分享的影片與文章,就和先生說:“這就是我要的生產過程,你一定要抽出時間陪我上課哦!讓我們一起擁有一個美好的回憶吧!”。這個課程讓我們對生產有更進一步的了解,讓我們明白在不需要藥物的情況之下,以更溫和的方式來迎接寶寶。除此之外,老師也在課程當中分享關於-Child Birth Memory的例子。 當時的我就對自己和寶寶說,我一定要給寶寶一個美好、平靜、祥和的Child Birth Memory。。。
Secret Wish- 家中蓮花生產
在孕37週時,請教了 Wai Han關於家中生產的知識與準備事項。有在家中生產的想法是源自於媽媽,因為媽媽在家中生下了小妹。媽媽沒有上過Hypnobirthing Class,也沒學習過Calm & Relaxing Breathing Techniques也可以在家裡生下小妹,我想我也一樣可以!
11/10,7am 如廁時,發現“來紅”了!心裡很興奮,心想寶寶真的很準時報到哦!(因為之前和寶寶溝通說Daddy10/10到外地,陪月的婆婆也不方便來照顧我們。10/10之後,你就選個良辰吉日和Daddy,Mummy見面吧!)
12/10-1am, 開始了較規律的宮縮,同時在床上聽Birth Affirmation & Rainbow Relaxation。
12/10-5am, 起床洗了很熱的熱水澡,同時也和寶寶溝通“寶寶快快出來哦!再不出來,待會兒Daddy 起床後,我們就得去醫院了!”(因最後,Daddy覺得‘醫院’較安全。)
12/10-7am, 先生看我不舒服的樣子,便告知他來紅了,而且伴隨著規律的宮縮。先生送了大寶去奶媽家後,我們就去了醫院!
12/10-11am, 到了醫院,助產士在還沒做內檢前,問了我們一些問題,我覺得很可愛,所以便記錄了下來!
先生:“今早!”我說: “昨天早上!”(助產士睜大眼睛看著我們,哈哈,心想這兩夫妻怎麼這麼奇怪!)
隨後,助產士做了內檢!喲。。。8 cm 了也! 寶寶很快的就在12.30pm, 在祥和、平靜的氣氛下和我們見面了!看見寶寶的剎那,內心非常的感動、也非常的激動,因為我真的做到了I put all fear aside and I welcome my baby with Happiness and Joy!
Chloe Ong(王雪妮)記於2015年十二月
Baby’s choice - Hospital Lotus Birth
When I was pregnant with my eldest, my view of pregnancy and birth was that giving birth and nurturing children are in a woman’s nature. It is suppose to happen naturally. Little did I know that due to the advances in medical science, I felt totally helpless in the labor room. I was subject to lots of interventions - artificial induction, episiotomy and eventually due to the inability to tolerate the intensity of the contraction pains, I ended up with an epidural for pain relief. Is this a natural birth? How come it did not feel natural at all? These were all my doubts lurking in my heart after that first birth experience.
When I was pregnant the second time, I read about HypnoBirthing through some sharings by some mums online. I contacted Bee Ting (HypnoBirthing Educator)and subsequently signed up for HypnoBirthing class in Petaling Jaya. After which, I would occassionally share with my husband and mother the birth stories and birth videos available online. I said to my husband, “This is the birth experience I want. You must take the time to come for classes with me. Let us have a beautiful birth memory together.” Through HypnoBirthing classes, we have a better understanding about the birthing process, that it is possible to achieve a drug free birth in a much more gentle way to welcome our baby into the world. Besides that, Bee Ting also shared about childbirth memory leaving an indelible imprint on babies. When I heard that, I told my baby and I that I will definitely give my baby a beautiful, calm and gentle child birth memory.
Secret Wish - Home lotus birth
When I was 37 weeks pregnant, I consulted Wai Han about home birth. The reason for thinking about a home birth came from my mother. My mother have birth to my sister at home. She did not attend HypnoBirthing class and never learnt calm and relaxing breathing techniques but she was able to birth my sister at home. I thought that I could do the same.
Welcoming Baby
11 Oct 7.00 am When I went to the toilet, I discovered I had a birth show. I was very excited, thinking that my baby was very punctual. I had earlier negotiated with him that since Daddy will be outstation and the confinement nanny is not available yet to take care of us, he should make his appearance after Oct 10.
Life went on as normal. We even went for a scrumptious dinner with our family with some irregular surges in between.
12 Oct 1.00 am Regular surges have began. I was listening to Birth Affirmation and Rainbow Relaxation in bed.
12 Oct 5.00 am I got out of bed and took a warm shower.At the same time, I told my baby “Baby, come out quickly, otherwise when Daddy wakes up, he would fetch us to the hospital.” Reason being, in the end, Daddy felt that the hospital was safer.
12 Oct 7.00 am My husband saw that I was uncomfortable so I had to tell him that I had a birth show and was having regular surges. After we sent our eldest to nanny’s, we went to the hospital.
12 Oct 11.00 am Once we admitted to the hospital, before the midwife did the vaginal exam, she asked us a few questions which I thought was cute so I penned it down.
Midwife: Are you having contractions?
Husband: Yes
Midwife: Any birth show? Water bag break?
Husband: Yes, birth show but no water bag break.
Midwife: When was the birth show?
Husband: This morning
Me: Yesterday morning (The midwife’s eyes widened and looked at us. Hahaha.. She must be thinking this couple is weird.)
Husband: How come you didn’t tell me that you had a birth show yesterday morning?
Me: If I had told you, you would be more anxious than me.
Then the midwife did a vaginal exam. 8cm!
12 Oct 12.30 pm My baby greeted us in a calm and gentle atmosphere. The birth was fast. The moment I saw my baby, I felt very touched and extremely emotional because I really did realise my affirmation - I put all fears aside and I welcome my baby with Happiness and Joy!
Chloe Ong, Dec 2015, Malaysia
在懷二寶的初期,在網上閱讀了一些媽媽對催眠生產的分享,就聯絡了Bee Ting(HypnoBirthing Educator),確定了催眠生產的上課時間。隨後一直和先生分享了媽媽在網上分享的影片與文章,就和先生說:“這就是我要的生產過程,你一定要抽出時間陪我上課哦!讓我們一起擁有一個美好的回憶吧!”。這個課程讓我們對生產有更進一步的了解,讓我們明白在不需要藥物的情況之下,以更溫和的方式來迎接寶寶。除此之外,老師也在課程當中分享關於-Child Birth Memory的例子。 當時的我就對自己和寶寶說,我一定要給寶寶一個美好、平靜、祥和的Child Birth Memory。。。
Secret Wish- 家中蓮花生產
在孕37週時,請教了 Wai Han關於家中生產的知識與準備事項。有在家中生產的想法是源自於媽媽,因為媽媽在家中生下了小妹。媽媽沒有上過Hypnobirthing Class,也沒學習過Calm & Relaxing Breathing Techniques也可以在家裡生下小妹,我想我也一樣可以!
11/10,7am 如廁時,發現“來紅”了!心裡很興奮,心想寶寶真的很準時報到哦!(因為之前和寶寶溝通說Daddy10/10到外地,陪月的婆婆也不方便來照顧我們。10/10之後,你就選個良辰吉日和Daddy,Mummy見面吧!)
12/10-1am, 開始了較規律的宮縮,同時在床上聽Birth Affirmation & Rainbow Relaxation。
12/10-5am, 起床洗了很熱的熱水澡,同時也和寶寶溝通“寶寶快快出來哦!再不出來,待會兒Daddy 起床後,我們就得去醫院了!”(因最後,Daddy覺得‘醫院’較安全。)
12/10-7am, 先生看我不舒服的樣子,便告知他來紅了,而且伴隨著規律的宮縮。先生送了大寶去奶媽家後,我們就去了醫院!
12/10-11am, 到了醫院,助產士在還沒做內檢前,問了我們一些問題,我覺得很可愛,所以便記錄了下來!
先生:“今早!”我說: “昨天早上!”(助產士睜大眼睛看著我們,哈哈,心想這兩夫妻怎麼這麼奇怪!)
隨後,助產士做了內檢!喲。。。8 cm 了也! 寶寶很快的就在12.30pm, 在祥和、平靜的氣氛下和我們見面了!看見寶寶的剎那,內心非常的感動、也非常的激動,因為我真的做到了I put all fear aside and I welcome my baby with Happiness and Joy!
Chloe Ong(王雪妮)記於2015年十二月
Baby’s choice - Hospital Lotus Birth
When I was pregnant with my eldest, my view of pregnancy and birth was that giving birth and nurturing children are in a woman’s nature. It is suppose to happen naturally. Little did I know that due to the advances in medical science, I felt totally helpless in the labor room. I was subject to lots of interventions - artificial induction, episiotomy and eventually due to the inability to tolerate the intensity of the contraction pains, I ended up with an epidural for pain relief. Is this a natural birth? How come it did not feel natural at all? These were all my doubts lurking in my heart after that first birth experience.
When I was pregnant the second time, I read about HypnoBirthing through some sharings by some mums online. I contacted Bee Ting (HypnoBirthing Educator)and subsequently signed up for HypnoBirthing class in Petaling Jaya. After which, I would occassionally share with my husband and mother the birth stories and birth videos available online. I said to my husband, “This is the birth experience I want. You must take the time to come for classes with me. Let us have a beautiful birth memory together.” Through HypnoBirthing classes, we have a better understanding about the birthing process, that it is possible to achieve a drug free birth in a much more gentle way to welcome our baby into the world. Besides that, Bee Ting also shared about childbirth memory leaving an indelible imprint on babies. When I heard that, I told my baby and I that I will definitely give my baby a beautiful, calm and gentle child birth memory.
Secret Wish - Home lotus birth
When I was 37 weeks pregnant, I consulted Wai Han about home birth. The reason for thinking about a home birth came from my mother. My mother have birth to my sister at home. She did not attend HypnoBirthing class and never learnt calm and relaxing breathing techniques but she was able to birth my sister at home. I thought that I could do the same.
Welcoming Baby
11 Oct 7.00 am When I went to the toilet, I discovered I had a birth show. I was very excited, thinking that my baby was very punctual. I had earlier negotiated with him that since Daddy will be outstation and the confinement nanny is not available yet to take care of us, he should make his appearance after Oct 10.
Life went on as normal. We even went for a scrumptious dinner with our family with some irregular surges in between.
12 Oct 1.00 am Regular surges have began. I was listening to Birth Affirmation and Rainbow Relaxation in bed.
12 Oct 5.00 am I got out of bed and took a warm shower.At the same time, I told my baby “Baby, come out quickly, otherwise when Daddy wakes up, he would fetch us to the hospital.” Reason being, in the end, Daddy felt that the hospital was safer.
12 Oct 7.00 am My husband saw that I was uncomfortable so I had to tell him that I had a birth show and was having regular surges. After we sent our eldest to nanny’s, we went to the hospital.
12 Oct 11.00 am Once we admitted to the hospital, before the midwife did the vaginal exam, she asked us a few questions which I thought was cute so I penned it down.
Midwife: Are you having contractions?
Husband: Yes
Midwife: Any birth show? Water bag break?
Husband: Yes, birth show but no water bag break.
Midwife: When was the birth show?
Husband: This morning
Me: Yesterday morning (The midwife’s eyes widened and looked at us. Hahaha.. She must be thinking this couple is weird.)
Husband: How come you didn’t tell me that you had a birth show yesterday morning?
Me: If I had told you, you would be more anxious than me.
Then the midwife did a vaginal exam. 8cm!
12 Oct 12.30 pm My baby greeted us in a calm and gentle atmosphere. The birth was fast. The moment I saw my baby, I felt very touched and extremely emotional because I really did realise my affirmation - I put all fears aside and I welcome my baby with Happiness and Joy!
Chloe Ong, Dec 2015, Malaysia