Jacklyn's Birth Story - Easy & Fuss-free Hospital Birth
Birth Story of my Girl Xin Yao
Hi all, I’m Jacklyn - a first time mummy. When I realized I was pregnant, I started to worry about the delivery process. I was so happy that I got to know about HypnoBirthing class from Gina’s breastfeeding class. I felt the classes were very helpful, especially in dealing with the fear of giving birth. I went online to search about HypnoBirthing and finally enrolled to Bee Ting's class. I'm glad that I actually joined and I've learnt so much about gentle birthing. Also, it was an eye opening experience for me to watch birth videos that were so calm, learning many new terms like delayed cord clamping, episiotomy, surges, and etc.
My EDD was in mid September 2013. During my last two visits to the doctor (end of August 2013), my gynae told me that my baby girl had engaged and I might give birth earlier. But my girl chose to meet me after two weeks and gave me a hint with some bloody show. On the night of 12 September 2013, I went back to my room to do some reading as usual after dinner. Around 10pm, I started to feel some mild surges but I thought they were just “Braxton Hicks”, which I had been having for the past few days. So I just ignored it. The surge got stronger and I couldn't sleep. I was trying to breathe with every surge, walked around, and practiced surge breathing without notifying my hubby. Around 2am, my hubby woke up and suggested that I admit to the hospital for checking as my surges were quite consistent. (10mins apart)
I was admitted to Sime Darby Medical Center around 2.30am.The midwife did the first vaginal examination (VE) with my consent and I was 5-6cm dilated already. She asked me what was the surge level and whether I needed any pain killer. I rejected it. But after 10mins, I could not practice my surge breathing anymore and I told my hubby that I couldn’t take this anymore, that I needed him to call our midwives. Now thinking back, I believe that was the hallmark of labour that Bee Ting pointed out in class. (It is a phase that many women go through as birth is very near even though they have been feeling comfortable before that). Another VE was done with my consent and I was 9cm dilated already! All within 30 mins!
I couldn't remember how many times I needed to breathe down. Finally, at 3.33am we received our baby. Baby's cord was clamped after it stopped pulsating. Baby was passed to me for immediate skin-to-skin bonding. Then, my placenta was birthed within 10 minutes with injection. I was saved from episiotomy with minor tear; Dr. Siti stitched up my minor tearing.
We are glad to have Bee Ting as our HypnoBirthing practitioner. Without her, we wouldn’t have such a memorable childbirth. She is really a nice, friendly, generous person who shares with us the knowledge of HypnoBirthing, breastfeeding, baby massage, baby care, nutrition foods and etc. I was calm and positive throughout it all and I feel the classes were very helpful, especially in dealing with the anxiety and preparing me mentally for the whole experience. Thank you, Bee Ting!
Hi all, I’m Jacklyn - a first time mummy. When I realized I was pregnant, I started to worry about the delivery process. I was so happy that I got to know about HypnoBirthing class from Gina’s breastfeeding class. I felt the classes were very helpful, especially in dealing with the fear of giving birth. I went online to search about HypnoBirthing and finally enrolled to Bee Ting's class. I'm glad that I actually joined and I've learnt so much about gentle birthing. Also, it was an eye opening experience for me to watch birth videos that were so calm, learning many new terms like delayed cord clamping, episiotomy, surges, and etc.
My EDD was in mid September 2013. During my last two visits to the doctor (end of August 2013), my gynae told me that my baby girl had engaged and I might give birth earlier. But my girl chose to meet me after two weeks and gave me a hint with some bloody show. On the night of 12 September 2013, I went back to my room to do some reading as usual after dinner. Around 10pm, I started to feel some mild surges but I thought they were just “Braxton Hicks”, which I had been having for the past few days. So I just ignored it. The surge got stronger and I couldn't sleep. I was trying to breathe with every surge, walked around, and practiced surge breathing without notifying my hubby. Around 2am, my hubby woke up and suggested that I admit to the hospital for checking as my surges were quite consistent. (10mins apart)
I was admitted to Sime Darby Medical Center around 2.30am.The midwife did the first vaginal examination (VE) with my consent and I was 5-6cm dilated already. She asked me what was the surge level and whether I needed any pain killer. I rejected it. But after 10mins, I could not practice my surge breathing anymore and I told my hubby that I couldn’t take this anymore, that I needed him to call our midwives. Now thinking back, I believe that was the hallmark of labour that Bee Ting pointed out in class. (It is a phase that many women go through as birth is very near even though they have been feeling comfortable before that). Another VE was done with my consent and I was 9cm dilated already! All within 30 mins!
I couldn't remember how many times I needed to breathe down. Finally, at 3.33am we received our baby. Baby's cord was clamped after it stopped pulsating. Baby was passed to me for immediate skin-to-skin bonding. Then, my placenta was birthed within 10 minutes with injection. I was saved from episiotomy with minor tear; Dr. Siti stitched up my minor tearing.
We are glad to have Bee Ting as our HypnoBirthing practitioner. Without her, we wouldn’t have such a memorable childbirth. She is really a nice, friendly, generous person who shares with us the knowledge of HypnoBirthing, breastfeeding, baby massage, baby care, nutrition foods and etc. I was calm and positive throughout it all and I feel the classes were very helpful, especially in dealing with the anxiety and preparing me mentally for the whole experience. Thank you, Bee Ting!