Celine Cha's Amazing VBAC En-Caul HypnoBirth - Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
By Celine Cha & Yeong Yung Lin - Ampang, Malaysia
The moment I found out I was pregnant with our second baby, my feeling was complicated because I didn’t want to experience another cesarean again. My first baby was a cesarean baby because she was in a breech position. I am traumatized with the post-cesarean pain. I wasn’t afraid of cesarean at all until I experienced the pain after the anesthesia has passed. I never thought I could have a chance to experience natural birth until I came across HypnoBirthing.
I had no birth sign at all when my EDD (estimated due date) arrived (at 40 weeks). I received pressure from my family & friends around me to go for cesarean because my baby was ‘overdue’. My gynae gave me 1 more week of ‘deadline’ or else we will need to schedule a cesarean as the baby would be ‘too big’.
On Week 40+6 (days), I woke up with birth show and some cramp. I was excited that finally my baby decided to come! I shared this good news with hubby. Hubby went to work as usual. Surges were mild and I knew baby is not ready yet. I then went to enjoy my prenatal massage for the last time. After the massage, I could feel the surges were getting stronger and more regular. I knew it’s not the time yet so I went to do last minute grocery. On the way home, the surges came closer and longer.
After I had my dinner & a warm shower, I sat on the yoga ball and listened to Rainbow Relaxation. I tried to have some rest and the surges woke me up at 5 am. My backache was quite unbearable. Hubby and I decided to go to the hospital. The nurse did a VE (vaginal examination) and my cervix was 3 cm dilated. Meanwhile, daddy got ready the yoga ball and music. I managed to get some rest while I listened to affirmations.
At 9 am, the surges became very close and longer. I was getting a little bit uncomfortable so I decided to get some warm shower to calm myself. At 11 am, the nurse did another VE & I was 7 cm dilated
The moment I found out I was pregnant with our second baby, my feeling was complicated because I didn’t want to experience another cesarean again. My first baby was a cesarean baby because she was in a breech position. I am traumatized with the post-cesarean pain. I wasn’t afraid of cesarean at all until I experienced the pain after the anesthesia has passed. I never thought I could have a chance to experience natural birth until I came across HypnoBirthing.
I had no birth sign at all when my EDD (estimated due date) arrived (at 40 weeks). I received pressure from my family & friends around me to go for cesarean because my baby was ‘overdue’. My gynae gave me 1 more week of ‘deadline’ or else we will need to schedule a cesarean as the baby would be ‘too big’.
On Week 40+6 (days), I woke up with birth show and some cramp. I was excited that finally my baby decided to come! I shared this good news with hubby. Hubby went to work as usual. Surges were mild and I knew baby is not ready yet. I then went to enjoy my prenatal massage for the last time. After the massage, I could feel the surges were getting stronger and more regular. I knew it’s not the time yet so I went to do last minute grocery. On the way home, the surges came closer and longer.
After I had my dinner & a warm shower, I sat on the yoga ball and listened to Rainbow Relaxation. I tried to have some rest and the surges woke me up at 5 am. My backache was quite unbearable. Hubby and I decided to go to the hospital. The nurse did a VE (vaginal examination) and my cervix was 3 cm dilated. Meanwhile, daddy got ready the yoga ball and music. I managed to get some rest while I listened to affirmations.
At 9 am, the surges became very close and longer. I was getting a little bit uncomfortable so I decided to get some warm shower to calm myself. At 11 am, the nurse did another VE & I was 7 cm dilated
At 12:30 pm, I had the feeling that I need to 'poo'. I know it’s was TIME! I squatted down and used J Breathing. I could feel the membrane was out and was able to touch the membrane and daddy quickly called the nurse/midwife. Another J Breathing when the surges came & the baby was out with membrane. I didn’t expect my son to decide to come in this way - it was an en caul birth! And the membrane broke once the body was out and daddy was unable to take the picture because everything happened in a second. I managed to do skin to skin bonding, delayed cord clamping, breastfeeding (a bit of breast crawl). The Gynae arrived after 10 minutes. I had a 3rd degree tear. Baby weighed 3.88kg.
Overall it was really a good memorable experience. I was really blessed to have a natural & gentle birth. I ENJOYED the process very much compared to my last traumatizing cesarean experience. Although there are some 'imperfections', I’m glad I listened to my body and let our baby decide the right time when he’s ready.
#birthstories #positivebirth #babywithbee #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingmalaysia #antenatalclass #pregnancy #gentlebirth #生产故事 #正向生产 #催眠分娩 #催眠分娩马来西亚 #产前课程 #孕期 #温柔分娩
Overall it was really a good memorable experience. I was really blessed to have a natural & gentle birth. I ENJOYED the process very much compared to my last traumatizing cesarean experience. Although there are some 'imperfections', I’m glad I listened to my body and let our baby decide the right time when he’s ready.
#birthstories #positivebirth #babywithbee #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingmalaysia #antenatalclass #pregnancy #gentlebirth #生产故事 #正向生产 #催眠分娩 #催眠分娩马来西亚 #产前课程 #孕期 #温柔分娩