Disclaimer: HypnoBirthing is a childbirth technique that you can use no matter where you choose to birth. We do not teach or advocate unassisted home births but we respect the fact that every mother has the right to choose how she wants to birth.
Catherine's Dream Birth - A Gift From God
Watch her beautiful video here
漫长的等待,在2014年1月,我终于又怀孕了。背负着对生命的执着,我得到了老公百分百的支持,我们决定参加“温柔生产”的课程 (www.hypnobirthingmalaysia.com),让这孩子以自然的力量诞生世界。
当天早上6点许多我发现开始来红了,顿时心里呼喊了一声“YES!!!” 说真的,那既紧张又兴奋的情绪就像准备已久的考生终于步入考场啦!两个小时以后,我开始感觉到少许的宫缩。于是,马上打电话给老公,把原本已经要载到学校的孩子给带回来。吃了家婆为我准备的一碗暖呼呼的汤面以后,休息片刻我便回房洗澡准备就绪。
儿子和老公回来以后,慢慢的享用了美味的Nasi Lemak早餐,随后便开始把泳池再次充气、加水、调水温。我呢,在房间边听Rainbow Relaxation CD边练习surge birthing(20sec in 20sec out)。此时,家婆早已经在厨房忙里忙外、煲水、洗晒衣服;大儿子也边玩lego边作爸爸的副手,还说:“等下就可以看到弟弟是什么样子啦!”
因这孩子的来临, 凝聚了全家人的力量,我相信他一定感受到,而且迫不及待的要诞生了!
下午一时许,我的宫缩开始加强,有一股力量一直从内往外push打扰了我的阵脚。一旦宫缩停止,老公就为我递水擦汗,我立刻又振作起来。从每十分钟宫缩、到每五分钟宫缩、到每分钟宫缩。就在宫缩加重,我的毅力快消磨完的时候,内心忽然出现了一把声音,像是宝宝在告诉我:“妈咪,我已经很努力了,你一定要加油哦!”于是,每每宫缩来临,我内心就碎碎念着这一句话,直到下午四点十分,宝宝的头终于出来了,老公叫我赶紧用birth breathing呼吸法,仅仅两分钟以后,他全身都滑出来了。
在整个居家生产过程中,我最要感谢的就是我的老公。因他确实付出了百分百的努力与配合。从泳池充气、装水、light touch massage、hip massage、控制水温、不断的提醒我喝水和用正确的呼吸法、接生、抹汗,甚至生产完毕以后,清洗胎盘和洒入rosemary powder防腐、泳池清理、洗厕所、抹地等等。而我,只是专注地使用呼吸法来抵挡来势汹汹的宫缩而已。
最后,感恩 MichelleYeoh Choo Huey 在我怀孕期间,提供了不少咨询与鼓励予我。我正是从她借我的书籍中,看懂了一句话,而抱着这个理念,成了我坚持自然产的推动力!
[出生是孩子的第一个成就!请让婴儿奋力撑过辛苦的生产过程,孩子会怀抱一生的自信。]坂本藤枝 著
漫长的等待,在2014年1月,我终于又怀孕了。背负着对生命的执着,我得到了老公百分百的支持,我们决定参加“温柔生产”的课程 (www.hypnobirthingmalaysia.com),让这孩子以自然的力量诞生世界。
当天早上6点许多我发现开始来红了,顿时心里呼喊了一声“YES!!!” 说真的,那既紧张又兴奋的情绪就像准备已久的考生终于步入考场啦!两个小时以后,我开始感觉到少许的宫缩。于是,马上打电话给老公,把原本已经要载到学校的孩子给带回来。吃了家婆为我准备的一碗暖呼呼的汤面以后,休息片刻我便回房洗澡准备就绪。
儿子和老公回来以后,慢慢的享用了美味的Nasi Lemak早餐,随后便开始把泳池再次充气、加水、调水温。我呢,在房间边听Rainbow Relaxation CD边练习surge birthing(20sec in 20sec out)。此时,家婆早已经在厨房忙里忙外、煲水、洗晒衣服;大儿子也边玩lego边作爸爸的副手,还说:“等下就可以看到弟弟是什么样子啦!”
因这孩子的来临, 凝聚了全家人的力量,我相信他一定感受到,而且迫不及待的要诞生了!
下午一时许,我的宫缩开始加强,有一股力量一直从内往外push打扰了我的阵脚。一旦宫缩停止,老公就为我递水擦汗,我立刻又振作起来。从每十分钟宫缩、到每五分钟宫缩、到每分钟宫缩。就在宫缩加重,我的毅力快消磨完的时候,内心忽然出现了一把声音,像是宝宝在告诉我:“妈咪,我已经很努力了,你一定要加油哦!”于是,每每宫缩来临,我内心就碎碎念着这一句话,直到下午四点十分,宝宝的头终于出来了,老公叫我赶紧用birth breathing呼吸法,仅仅两分钟以后,他全身都滑出来了。
在整个居家生产过程中,我最要感谢的就是我的老公。因他确实付出了百分百的努力与配合。从泳池充气、装水、light touch massage、hip massage、控制水温、不断的提醒我喝水和用正确的呼吸法、接生、抹汗,甚至生产完毕以后,清洗胎盘和洒入rosemary powder防腐、泳池清理、洗厕所、抹地等等。而我,只是专注地使用呼吸法来抵挡来势汹汹的宫缩而已。
最后,感恩 MichelleYeoh Choo Huey 在我怀孕期间,提供了不少咨询与鼓励予我。我正是从她借我的书籍中,看懂了一句话,而抱着这个理念,成了我坚持自然产的推动力!
[出生是孩子的第一个成就!请让婴儿奋力撑过辛苦的生产过程,孩子会怀抱一生的自信。]坂本藤枝 著
"Pregnancy is a God-given duty for women; Therefore we should believe that ChildBirth is a Natural process as God has intended"
In 2010, I had a natural birth in the hospital. From that experience, I found that the birthing process is just about following a set of standard operating procedures ...
I remembered feeling very anxious as I entered that cold labor room. Under the glaring lights, the nurse strapped me to the bed, put on the fetal monitor and inserted the IV drip ... There I was, lying half-naked waist down, extremely embarrassed, legs spread out, waiting helplessly for my baby's arrival. Needless to say, I felt like I had absolutely no control throughout the birth process.
Our babies have been enjoying the warmth and comfort of their mothers’ womb for nine months with only muffled sounds. However, when babies are born, we immediately thrust them into bright glaring lights, a noisy and chaotic environment with the air conditioning blasting cold air onto their delicate skin. As if that is not bad enough, we will almost immediately suction their throats and airways roughly, amputate their umbilical cord, take them away to another room for cleaning and weighing on a cold weighing machine.
I can only say that with the advancement of medicine, we have forgotten about empathy and compassion, how pathetic!
What is Birth really about? Childbirth should have been a natural, miraculous, privileged experience. However, now, childbirth has been invaded with so many medical equipment and drugs. Have we really gotten so lost? Birth has always been up to God's bestowal and the willpower of Mother and Baby.
In 2012, my friend introduced me to HypnoBirthing. Since I do not have a liking to hospital births, knowing about an alternative way to birth gave me a glimmer of hope. At the same time, as I was exploring Montessori education for my child, I found out that their philosophy also advocates gentle birth.
Finally, after a long wait, in January 2014, I became pregnant again.
With a firm belief in life, I managed to get my husband's full support and we decided to attend HypnoBirthing class (www.hypnobirthingmalaysia.com) so that this child can be born naturally and gently.
Even though this is my second pregnancy, I cannot help feeling nervous with much anticipation for about 30-40 days before THE day arrives - October 15, 2014.
At about 6a.m, I saw some birth show and immediately yelled "YES!!!" in my heart. To be honest, the nervousness and excitement I felt then was just like candidates finally going into the examination hall after months of preparation. Two hours later, I began to feel some surges. So I immediately called my husband who was about to drop my son off in school and asked them both to come back.
After I ate a warm bowl of noodle soup prepared by my mother-in-law, I went back to my room, took a shower and got ready. Then my son and husband came home and we slowly enjoyed some yummy Nasi Lemak for breakfast.
Then preparation began. My husband started inflating the pool, filling it up with water and adjusting the water temperature by adding warm water. I, on the other hand, was in the room listening to the Rainbow Relaxation CD while doing my surge breathing (20sec in 20sec out). My mother-in-law was busy with her chores in the kitchen while my son alternated between playing with his LEGO and helping his father. He even said: "Soon I will be able to see what my brother looks like!"
Because of baby's arrival, the whole family has united to work together as a team for his birth. I am sure baby felt it and can't wait to be born into this wonderful family.
At one o'clock in the afternoon, my surges started to get stronger. I could feel a natural force that kept pushing from the inside out. Once the surges stopped, my husband would hand me some water, wipe my sweat and I would feel revived, ready to meet the next surge. My surges got closer and closer, from one every ten minutes to one every five minutes to one every minute. With the intensifying surges, I felt my willpower depleting. Just when I was about to give up, suddenly I heard this tiny voice inside me, as if my baby was saying, "Mummy, I am trying very hard here, you must not give up. Keep going!" So I started repeating this line in my heart as I met each surge, knowing that that was baby's message to me.
At 4:10 p.m, the baby's head was finally out. My husband reminded me to use the birth breathing technique taught in class to breathe the baby out and in just TWO minutes, baby slipped out completely!
Throughout the whole birth process, the person I need to thank the most is my husband. He has put in 100% effort and support. From inflating the pool to filling water, doing light touch massage & hip massage, controlling the water temperature and constantly reminding me to drink water, do the correct breathing, receiving the baby, wiping sweat, even after birth, washing the placenta and sprinkling rosemary powder on it for preservation, cleaning the pool, scrubbing the toilet, mopping the floor and so on.
And all I did was just focus on using my breaths to meet each surge.
For my elder son, he got to be involved in the entire birthing process, I believe that he has learnt a very important physiological lesson - that Birth is meant to be so Natural. Also another important lesson is that if in future, his teacher asks where babies came from, he wouldn't answer that babies burst out from the rock or from the butt. HA HA HA!
Finally, a big thank you to Michelle Yeoh Choo Huey for providing me with a lot of advice and encouragement when I was pregnant.
It was precisely from reading this sentence from one of her books that made me have this strong belief that Birth should be Natural.
"Being born is a child's first achievement. Please let babies go through the struggle of the natural birth process, so that they may embrace a lifetime of confidence." Sakamoto Fujieda
Written by Lee Huimin, January 23, 2015
In 2010, I had a natural birth in the hospital. From that experience, I found that the birthing process is just about following a set of standard operating procedures ...
I remembered feeling very anxious as I entered that cold labor room. Under the glaring lights, the nurse strapped me to the bed, put on the fetal monitor and inserted the IV drip ... There I was, lying half-naked waist down, extremely embarrassed, legs spread out, waiting helplessly for my baby's arrival. Needless to say, I felt like I had absolutely no control throughout the birth process.
Our babies have been enjoying the warmth and comfort of their mothers’ womb for nine months with only muffled sounds. However, when babies are born, we immediately thrust them into bright glaring lights, a noisy and chaotic environment with the air conditioning blasting cold air onto their delicate skin. As if that is not bad enough, we will almost immediately suction their throats and airways roughly, amputate their umbilical cord, take them away to another room for cleaning and weighing on a cold weighing machine.
I can only say that with the advancement of medicine, we have forgotten about empathy and compassion, how pathetic!
What is Birth really about? Childbirth should have been a natural, miraculous, privileged experience. However, now, childbirth has been invaded with so many medical equipment and drugs. Have we really gotten so lost? Birth has always been up to God's bestowal and the willpower of Mother and Baby.
In 2012, my friend introduced me to HypnoBirthing. Since I do not have a liking to hospital births, knowing about an alternative way to birth gave me a glimmer of hope. At the same time, as I was exploring Montessori education for my child, I found out that their philosophy also advocates gentle birth.
Finally, after a long wait, in January 2014, I became pregnant again.
With a firm belief in life, I managed to get my husband's full support and we decided to attend HypnoBirthing class (www.hypnobirthingmalaysia.com) so that this child can be born naturally and gently.
Even though this is my second pregnancy, I cannot help feeling nervous with much anticipation for about 30-40 days before THE day arrives - October 15, 2014.
At about 6a.m, I saw some birth show and immediately yelled "YES!!!" in my heart. To be honest, the nervousness and excitement I felt then was just like candidates finally going into the examination hall after months of preparation. Two hours later, I began to feel some surges. So I immediately called my husband who was about to drop my son off in school and asked them both to come back.
After I ate a warm bowl of noodle soup prepared by my mother-in-law, I went back to my room, took a shower and got ready. Then my son and husband came home and we slowly enjoyed some yummy Nasi Lemak for breakfast.
Then preparation began. My husband started inflating the pool, filling it up with water and adjusting the water temperature by adding warm water. I, on the other hand, was in the room listening to the Rainbow Relaxation CD while doing my surge breathing (20sec in 20sec out). My mother-in-law was busy with her chores in the kitchen while my son alternated between playing with his LEGO and helping his father. He even said: "Soon I will be able to see what my brother looks like!"
Because of baby's arrival, the whole family has united to work together as a team for his birth. I am sure baby felt it and can't wait to be born into this wonderful family.
At one o'clock in the afternoon, my surges started to get stronger. I could feel a natural force that kept pushing from the inside out. Once the surges stopped, my husband would hand me some water, wipe my sweat and I would feel revived, ready to meet the next surge. My surges got closer and closer, from one every ten minutes to one every five minutes to one every minute. With the intensifying surges, I felt my willpower depleting. Just when I was about to give up, suddenly I heard this tiny voice inside me, as if my baby was saying, "Mummy, I am trying very hard here, you must not give up. Keep going!" So I started repeating this line in my heart as I met each surge, knowing that that was baby's message to me.
At 4:10 p.m, the baby's head was finally out. My husband reminded me to use the birth breathing technique taught in class to breathe the baby out and in just TWO minutes, baby slipped out completely!
Throughout the whole birth process, the person I need to thank the most is my husband. He has put in 100% effort and support. From inflating the pool to filling water, doing light touch massage & hip massage, controlling the water temperature and constantly reminding me to drink water, do the correct breathing, receiving the baby, wiping sweat, even after birth, washing the placenta and sprinkling rosemary powder on it for preservation, cleaning the pool, scrubbing the toilet, mopping the floor and so on.
And all I did was just focus on using my breaths to meet each surge.
For my elder son, he got to be involved in the entire birthing process, I believe that he has learnt a very important physiological lesson - that Birth is meant to be so Natural. Also another important lesson is that if in future, his teacher asks where babies came from, he wouldn't answer that babies burst out from the rock or from the butt. HA HA HA!
Finally, a big thank you to Michelle Yeoh Choo Huey for providing me with a lot of advice and encouragement when I was pregnant.
It was precisely from reading this sentence from one of her books that made me have this strong belief that Birth should be Natural.
"Being born is a child's first achievement. Please let babies go through the struggle of the natural birth process, so that they may embrace a lifetime of confidence." Sakamoto Fujieda
Written by Lee Huimin, January 23, 2015